1-Im a single mum to a 7month old baby girl. She was sleeping - TopicsExpress


1-Im a single mum to a 7month old baby girl. She was sleeping right through from about 2 months (7pm-6am). She was sick over Christmas with a viral infection & didnt sleep well. Unfortunately that has continued with her waking several times a night now. Sometimes she stirs because her dummy has fallen out but others she is fully awake or still asleep roliing from side to side like shes trying to get more comfortable but just cant. Ive started giving her little bits of water to soothe her & that settles her for a little bit but now Im taking her into my bed to give her a feed (formula) & thats the only things that settles her. Thats fine except now the only way to settle her at least twice through the night is to make her feeds which she didnt have before. Im going back to work full time next week & am worried she will be awake most lof the nights which will make it really hard as a single mum. She has 4 formula feeds throughout the day & 3 solid feeds so I dont know why thats the only thing that will settle her.. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get her to sleep right through again? 2-My husband wants to give our 10 week old a bottled dream-feed of expressed milk before bed as the two times we tried it, he slept all the way through to 2:30am (previously waking at 11:30 and 2:30) My concerns are that it will affect my supply if hes going that long between feeds. Ive tried dream feeding him on the breast but he is just too sleepy and barely takes any milk. Thanks! 3-Hi, I would really love some help regarding my newborn. She is one week old and I havent yet had one night that she has slept in her bassinet. She doesnt have to be held to go to sleep, she just wont seem to sleep at night unless its in the bed with me. I never cuddle her to sleep at night, just lie next to her in a queen bed and I have tried the bouncer and car seat, swaddling and she just has none of it. She is fine through the day and sleeps in the bassinet fine. But as soon as its night time she has to be in my bed. Poor Daddy has been sleeping on the couch so that she can have his side of the bed! Anybody got suggestions? 4-How would you know if your baby is only getting the front milk? I think my 6 week old is finishing one side in around 15-20 mins but not sure if he is just being lazy and doesnt want to work for the hind milk or if has actually drained it already. My breast feels loose and everything.... What are your thoughts. Is he getting more efficient or should I leave him on longer? (He is a comfort sucker and never pulls off on his own) 5-Im expressing and bottle feeding my 11 day old bubba (he has a tongue tie) he is very unsettled after feeding - it seems like he has a sore tummy/wind . He also gets the hiccups nearly every feed . Any tips for helping little man be more settled ? Xx 6-Hi my 6 month old wakes twice threw the night and then its always a fight to put back to sleep. But I noticed if I put in bed with hubby n myself he goes straight back to sleep and sleeps longer. I dont want to make this a habit. He has never been aloud in our bed before so I find it strange how well he sleeps with us. Any suggestions. 7-I am 11 weeks pregnant with my second and I am finding that I am up a couple of times during the night going to the toilet.The trouble is after the first toilet stop I cant get back sleep .Any tips on either avoiding the toilet stops or getting back to sleep afterwards ? I was always able to get back to sleep with my first pregnancy and the overnight toilet stops didnt start this early.So this is a bit of a new experience. TIA 8-Im after experiences with comforters.. My dd is 4mo and doesnt have any comforters for sleep time. She sucks her fists and fingers a lot but is in a love to dream swaddle for bed. She still trys sucking her hands when in there but doesnt last to long. She wont take a dummy so I was wondering if anyone had good/bad experiences with some other sleeping comforters. What where they and was was ur experience. She is good at going to sleep and resettling (usually) through the day but cant seem to resettle herself if she wakes through the night without me having to feed her. Last night she was up every hour- hour and a half. Should I stick to her not having any comforters and she will phase out of the waking or should I try introduce something? Tia
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 23:50:00 +0000

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