1. Im full blooded and the Washington Redskins doesnt bother me. - TopicsExpress


1. Im full blooded and the Washington Redskins doesnt bother me. My skins brown, not red. 2. Im Native, or Lakota, or Anishinabe, Im not even Indian that Cleveland Indian doesnt apply to me. You guys are too PC. 3. It honors us, do you think they would really want a mascot thats weak ? 4. Why now? Why havent you tried to change it before? Why now? 5. If theyre gonna have an Indian mascot they should at least have a real Indian dress up in garb and war paint, not these fake white Indians in red face. 6. Theyre never gonna change it, just like theyre never gonna stop dressing up as Indians on Halloween. Its never gonna happen. 7. Most Natives I know are cool with it, theyre not out looking for things to be offended about, lets use this to our advantage. If they dropped the name wed have no spotlight, no recognition. •Top 7 comments, in no order, of Weak Willed Natives who are actually afraid we will succeed and change this shi* for our children, so they wont want to cling to a false dignity, an objectification of our people relegating our people to pet status• feel free to add more :)
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 04:30:46 +0000

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