1. Im gettin tired of parents letting their kids bully other kids. - TopicsExpress


1. Im gettin tired of parents letting their kids bully other kids. NOT COOL! You are condoning ignorant behavior. Dont get mad if a day comes and smacks the hell outta yo kid! Keep in mind, your kid could be the problem. Open ur eyes! Parents are so blind! If ur kid talks back to u or other grown ups, disrespects anyone, always actin grown, whatever: GETTEM CHECKED AND GETTEM UH CHECK! LMAO!!! JK. But for real, these kids gettin way outta hand! They need discipline, period! 2. If you dont believe in spankings, i would like to know the reason why. I think its what most of these kids need nowadays and NO you wont go to jail for it! There is a line between beating and spanking. Learn the difference and do your research. Its there. You have that right. 3. Be respectful and mindful of others. You cant possible talk bad about someone who is learning their own path just as you did. NO ONE is perfect, so to parade around like you are, will be unsuccessful. You Lose! Remember, you once were a student. Not a teacher. 4. If you carry yourself around as someone who always mad, angry, hostile, or just plain ol mean, there is no way anyone is gonna think to respect you. They will dislike you first. 5. If you have 10 kids and all of them are married treat their spouses equally nice. Unless he/she does them harm, then feel free to show disappointment, but if your children are love genuinely by this person then you need to respect them all and interact with them all. Not just a few. That is not cute! If u dont play favorites with your kids, dont do it with their spouses. Youre doin more harm than good for your own. 6. Respect everyone who deserves it. Make sure ur not too critical. Theres a chance you need more practice earning respect yourself. ***So much more to come*** Today is TELL IT LIKE IT IS SATURDAY (TILIIS)!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 15:18:17 +0000

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