1. Im having a baby shower for my second bub in a few months & its - TopicsExpress


1. Im having a baby shower for my second bub in a few months & its another girl. I have plenty of clothes from my first daughter so i want to find a nice poem to add with the invites politely asking for guests to only bring nappies, wipes & toiletries opposed to clothes, toys, etc. Can anyone help?? 2. My 5 month old DS is all over the place with his sleeping. Catnaps only during the day regardless of how much playtime/tummy time/awake time I give him. He has his last bottle at 6:30pm, goes down at 7pm, sometimes this takes a while, then wakes around midnight for a feed, then again at 5am which I have tried feeding but he doesnt seem overly hungry (will take 20-30mls) and is wide awake so I cant resettle him. I have tried just giving him water but he keeps screaming until a milk bottle is in his mouth. I took his dummy away cold turkey last saturday, 1 week ago. He is waking my almost 3yr old daughter up too which makes for a really long day with both of them. My hubby works away so im on my own for a month at a time. How can I get him to sleep through till 7am & also sleep longer during the day?? Also is there any formulas you mums use to keep them fuller for longer yet doesnt cause constipation? 3. Were just wanting some ideas on girls names we are due for bub number 2 in June and have no idea on a girls name we have a boys name. Looking for more unusual names not keen on common ones. 4. I have an almost 12MO DD and Im just after some advice for when i switch from formula to cows milk. I am unsure as to how many bottles she should still have with the milk? her routine at the moment is cereal with normal milk then a formula bottle, then feeding roughly every 4 hours (give or take to her hunger) followed by a formula bottle. This means she is having 4 meals & 4 200Ml bottles a day. Once I swap her to cows milk will that be too much? should I be culling her bottles. She loves drinking from a Sippi cup already so once she is 1 Im swapping bottles to sippi cups but Im still unsure as to how much milk she should be having/needs. 5. when giving normal lactose free milk can you use long life milk or better buying fresh? 6. Looking for a Facebook page or something for someone who custom makes dresses. Wanting a tinkerbell ish one for my DD 1st birthday.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Jan 2014 05:59:01 +0000

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