1. Im trying to decide if its worthwhile to use a baby carrier for - TopicsExpress


1. Im trying to decide if its worthwhile to use a baby carrier for bubs #2 as I’ll have a 2 yr old aswell. Want to know ad/dis vantages & experiences & if it’s worthwhile or just a waste of money. 2. I am eight and a half weeks pregnant with my third (second pregnancy) and today the doctor said I had a severe urinary tract infection. The doctor said its o.k as I had a c section with my twins. Just looking for experiences from people who had this through their pregnancy. 3. Just wondering which essential oils people used during labour and birth? 4. I would love some advice from the mummas and daddas out there as to where they found Bassinet Sheet etc and matching nursery decor... it seems cot sets are very easy to find, but bassinet sets, not so much! Any tips? 5. Ive just been told that my 11 mo has come into contact with a baby that has hand foot and mouth disease. No symptoms have come up just yet and as a precautionary measure Im keeping him away from other babies. Just wondering if anyone else has had their baby come into contact with this and not picked up the virus? 6. I am 18 weeks pregnant and live in rural wa and have limited access to shopping. I was wondering if anyone can recommend any online stores/sites for reasonably priced maternity wear 7. Has anyone tried breastfeeding support tablets and did they help you? Do you recommend nipple shields and what brand would you suggest? 8. I have a four year old and a 7 week old and have just separated from the father. Just wondering if any one has any tips on how to keep life fairly normal for both my sons doing it my own? Im just finding hard to make sure I spend time with my older son so he doesnt feel left out but also keep on top of everything. I find Ive become so forgetful about things.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 10:39:22 +0000

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