1 “Isn’t She Sensitive And Also Alluring?” Isn’t she - TopicsExpress


1 “Isn’t She Sensitive And Also Alluring?” Isn’t she attractive, and also alluring? Because just being around her 247 isn’t at all that boring. Isn’t she attractive, and also alluring? Because just like the summer breeze, I couldn’t would have ever known, that if she herself, would be coming. Isn’t she attractive, and also alluring? Because just being around her 247 isn’t at all that boring. Why? Due to the simplest fact that like a dove of pray, she herself is forever ministering and humming. 2 “Darling Love Don’t You Every Fear” Darling Love Don’t You Every Fear. Because as a knight in the platinum and silver, shinning armor, I will forever be near. Darling Love Don’t You Every Fear. Because like the sunburst shield, which I have always and forever with me, shall endlessly dry up, ever falling tear. Darling Love Don’t You Every Fear. Because as a knight in the platinum and silver, shinning armor, I will forever be near, because that was truly my vowel unto you, where with my voice of the heroism and of thy gratitude, that I wanted to make every word, sincere, as well as perfectly clear. 3 “The Heroism Of A Brave Man Who Simply Has Her Back” The Heroism Of A Brave Man, Who Simply Has Her Back. Because just like a Viking searching for a treasure, he himself, knew exactly of where it was at. The Heroism Of A Brave Man, Who Simply Has Her Back. Because as a warrior of purpose, going through the battles of infinity, he took them all down, like card stacks. The Heroism Of A Brave Man, Who Finally Has Her Back. Because just like a Viking searching for a treasure, he himself, knew exactly of where it was at, picking her up gentle within the grasp of his massive arms, while at the same time, she was taking a beauty nap 4 “Her Inner Beauty Is Of A Radiant Skin Of An Elite” Her Inner Beauty Is Of A Radiant Skin Of An Elite. Looking at is carefully, as well as seductively, one’s heart, could sure begin the rhythm them of one of those sensual, and lulling beats. Her Inner Beauty Is Of A Radiant Skin Of An Elite. For like being unified, within the mitts of a invisible world wind, that she will be able to left you up, from off of your own two feet. Her Inner Beauty Is Of A Radiant Skin Of An Elite. Looking at is carefully, as well as seductively, one’s heart, could sure begin the rhythm them of one of those sensual, and lulling beats. Because just like the voice of immortality, she can lyrically put the soul to sleep. 5 “She Would Never Ever Loose Her Beloved Baby” She Would Never Ever Loose Her Beloved Baby. Why? Because of the simplest fact, that he is to her, which is the resemblances, of a soapy and brown gravy. She Would Never Ever Loose Her Beloved Baby. Why? Because whatever that she asked of him, its right now, and never maybe. She Would Never Ever Loose Her Beloved Baby. Why? Because that is her man, for she will for all of eternity be his lady. 6 “ The Un-Read Telegrams” The Un-Read Telegrams. For something horrific, must of happened to her man, who could have been killed, within the storm of the hostile dessert sand. The Un-Read Telegrams. Being worried, as well as concerned, that with the long awaited proposal she has not yet received, the ring, that was supposed to be placed, within the middle index finger of her right hand. The Un-Read Telegrams. For something horrific, must of happened to her man, who could have been killed, within the storm of the hostile dessert sand. Because this could have been the result, of him suddenly dying, and not ever making it, to her wedding day promised land. 7 “Dear Cicely Its Been A Real Long Time” 8 “Why Has It Taken This Long For You To Write Me?” Written By Phillip Berrian Why Has It Taken This Long For You To Write Me? Were you so caught up, in completing missions, that you left me shivering, like a tree that was on a tree. Why Has It Taken This Long For You To Write Me? Knowing that as a family man, that you have a wife and kids, who refuse to acknowledge as well as see. Why Has It Taken This Long For You To Write Me? Was it because you couldn’t at all handle any of these responsibilities, and departing away, within the ocean waters of the sea? 9 “Written Letters From The Departed Heart” Written Letters From The Departed Heart. For she had to finally released, that he will never be that missing part. Written Letters From The Departed Heart. Not being able to see, touch or feel him, despite of himself, being unified, with that spiritual spark. Written Letters From The Departed Heart. Getting the bad news, that he has taken a long vacation, of eternity, as well as leaving her alone in the ebony dark. 10 “A Personal Telegram For Rebecca” A Personal Telegram For Rebecca. For it was a long awaited letter, from her beloved, who with the help of God, has made it out alive. For I myself could have only imagined, in seeing the facial expression of joy, which was featured upon her face, in which from that particular moment, ha brought the tears from her falling eyes. A Personal Telegram For Rebecca. For it was a long awaited letter, from her beloved, who with the help of God, has made it out alive. Knowing right here, as well as right now, that he can live and never die. A Personal Telegram For Rebecca. For it was a long awaited letter, from her beloved, who with the help of God, has made it out alive. Knowing that the day in which himself, has returned back unto her, where when she kissed him, he himself, didn’t need to asked just one question, why? 11 “ Ebony Diamonds” Ebony Diamonds. Girl seductive, and glamorizing as you truly are, you should stop your complaining and crying. Ebony Diamonds. Girl, as being loyal and captivating as you truly are, you were bless, just to be next in the countless blessings, which truly indeed, was coming from the voice of Zion. Ebony Diamonds. Girl seductive, and glamorizing as you truly are, you should stop your complaining and crying. Because there is absolutely nothing to complain about, when you achieved your purpose, and who never stopped trying. 12 “Jewelry Of Seduction, Is Truly A Woman’s Best Friend” Jewelry Of Seduction, Is Truly A Woman’s Best Friend. For being so mild and obsessive with jewelry itself, she could be able to distance herself, from the favorability of the unseen wind. Jewelry Of Seduction, Is Truly A Woman’s Best Friend. For she herself, just has the eye catching fever, of gold, which in her mind of the interruption, has many fortune to be unfold. Jewelry Of Seduction, Is Truly A Woman’s Best Friend. For being so mild and obsessive with jewelry itself, she could be able to distance herself, from the favorability of the unseen wind. Because she sees everything, as a blessing from God, which will prevent her from being attached to the wedges’ of sins. 13 “Bling! Bling! Bling! The Ring On Her Right Hand Middle Finger Means A Whole Lots Of Things” Bling! Bling! Bling! The Ring On Her Right Hand Middle Finger, Means A Whole Lots Of Things. Bling! Bling! Bling! She has a sit the heavenly places, and who is waiting patently, for the angles in glory to sing. Bling! Bling! Bling! The Ring On Her Right Hand Middle Finger, Means A Whole Lots Of Things. Because it was the perfect gentlemen, in which God himself, has chosen for her, who was one of the groom psalmist, who had ascended on his wings. 14 “ Earring Which Is Only Warn By A African Queen” Earring Which Is Only Warn By A African Queen. For being on the throne with her king, she truly understand, what it all truly means. Earring Which Is Only Warn By A African Queen. Because as a woman of grace, loyalty, and of supremacy, she herself does not need the likes of haters, to dictate her very own prospers dreams. Earring Which Is Only Warn By A African Queen. For being on the throne with her king, she truly understand, what it all truly means. Because reigning endlessly, especially on the throne with just her king, is all apart of there unconditional, loving being. 15 “The Platinum Silver That’s Condition Within Her Long Pretty Hair” The Platinum Silver That’s Condition Within Her Long Pretty Hair. Is like my glamorizing angel, who is forever present, as well as being right there. The Platinum Silver That’s Condition Within Her Long Pretty Hair. For it is her unique style of substance, which is far beyond original, and those who does not cater to it, that within her mind, she honestly does not at all care. The Platinum Silver That’s Condition Within Her Long Pretty Hair. Is like my glamorizing angel, who is forever present, as well as being right there. Because based on how she carries herself, in a personality, as well as in a dignified way, to me that is a virtual that only she herself, could spiritually share. 1 16 “Oh No! Not Again” Oh No! Not Again. Because after all of these years, you still have not told me, of where you had been. Oh No! Not Again. Because after not being there for me, especially when I needed you the most, I have started my whole new life over, where yours had never began. Oh No! Not You Again. Because after conceiving this child, which is yours, in which I had carried for 9 months within my womb, you decided to flee from your seed, and look at you right here, as well as right now, wearing the clothing of shame, self pity and sin. 17 “Why Are You Constantly Doing This To Yourself?” Why Are You Constantly Doing This To Yourself? Haven’t you heard that being angry and bitterer, is bad for your health? Why Are You Constantly Doing This To Yourself? Because like a old dust book, in which nobody else has paid close attention to, because it just remained there, on the library shelf. Why Are You Constantly Doing This To Yourself? Haven’t you heard that being angry and bitterer, is bad for your health? And because of your lack of understanding, and thinking that you simply know it all, which was why you lost your wealth. 18 “It Doesn’t Pay To Be That Ignorant” It Doesn’t Pay To Be That Ignorant. Because losing everything, is not knowing where it has went. It Doesn’t Pay To Be That Ignorant. Because losing something which is a virtue, is similar to a risk being damage or bent. It Doesn’t Pay To Be That Ignorant. Because losing everything, is not knowing where it has went. Because like the counter fit of money, it was all fake but unwisely spent. 19 “Visions Of The Un-Loved” Visions Of The Un-Loved. Whatever happened to the flying, and peaceful dove?. Visions Of The Un-Loved. Whatever happened to the personal conversions that we used to have, which was lost in the wind, which was somewhere, from up above? Visions Of The Un-Loved. Whatever happened to the flying, and peaceful dove?. Was it captured in the web of your sin, which happened to be your hostage glove? 20 “Vicious Lies Cannot At All Enter Within The Presence Of Thane Own Heart” Written By Phillip Berrian Vicious Lies Cannot At, All Enter Within The Presence Of Thane Own Heart. Why? Because like a sickness, it will forever keep you ill, while still weeping in the dark. Vicious Lies Cannot At, All Enter Within The Presence Of Thane Own Heart. Why? Because of the simplest reasons, that he/she wasn’t at all the right matching part. Vicious Lies Cannot At, All Enter Within The Presence Of Thane Own Heart. Why? Because like the dark side of thee accusing, it will never see nor would ever witnessed a lighting spark.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 15:24:18 +0000

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