1. It’s not late yet! It’s not over till it is over. That is - TopicsExpress


1. It’s not late yet! It’s not over till it is over. That is the right kind of attitude. It is not for everybody, it is for WINNERS alone. Are you a winner? Don’t be in a hurry to say yes. It’s about the attitude. You need to develop the winning attitude. The attitude of not giving up, holding firmly to your believes and values. The year may be remaining 6 months to wind up, it doesn’t matter to a winner, infact, 6 months is time enough for a winner to get it right. I know there is someone out there for whose sake I’m writing this piece that will receive a major breakthrough before the end of this year. Please when it happens, don’t fail to testify. People may have written you off but God has not written you off. You shall get to the top. There is someone who has written himself off; your family and friends have written you off, but I have good news for you: your sun will shine in less than 3 months from today. I don’t know how long you’ve been married, I don’t know and don’t care to know what the report of the Doctor is concerning your case, but what I do know is that there is a woman whose in-laws have turn her marriage a living hell and your husband is not helping matters, but by the mercies of the Lord, take note of today’s date; by this time next year, you shall carry your baby in your hands. Please don’t keep quiet about it; testify when it happen; because it is your channel to receiving more. Don’t go ahead with that marriage to that man; you know he has a wife and children. In your heart you know it’s a wrong thing you are about doing but have decided to go ahead because you are tired of waiting, but if only you can see, your husband is around you already. Go ahead with this decision and you will live to regret it all your life. But a little more patience, it’s so close and you will be amazed. Call him and quit the relationship; that’s the secret to your miracle. It is not yet over till it is over. God has not said it’s over with you; you can still accomplish that which you set in your heart to achieve before the end of the year. Dear friends, only one person I know that can make you accomplish the impossible; that which seem impossible in the eyes of men is possible with God. Do you know Him? Is He your Lord and Saviour? Why not give your life to Jesus today if you haven’t and see the amazement of God in your life. See you at the top. God bless you.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 09:01:11 +0000

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