1 John 2:9 To feel justified in your judgment to dislike a fellow - TopicsExpress


1 John 2:9 To feel justified in your judgment to dislike a fellow human, is to continue in darkness, even if you might claim to be in the light! This place of illumination is not cheap talk! It immediately translates into seeing your brother differently! (See 1 John 1:6, also 2 Corinthians 5:16. It was common among the Hebrews to use the terms “love” and “hatred” in this comparative sense, where the former implied strong positive attachment, and the latter, not positive hatred, but merely a less love, or the withholding of the expressions of affection [compare Genesis 29:30-31; Luke 14:26].) 2:10 From this conscious union with that which light reveals, there follows a deep love for the very brother who might previously have irritated you! Mirror Bible
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 19:13:32 +0000

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