1 KINGS Chap. 22 cont. – TERESA’S EASY RENDITION 13 The court - TopicsExpress


1 KINGS Chap. 22 cont. – TERESA’S EASY RENDITION 13 The court official said to Micaiah: “Look, the prophecies of the prophets are all good for the king, you better do the same.” 14 Micaiah answered: “As Jehovah lives, I’ll only say what Jehovah tells me.” 15 When he came to the king, the king asked him: “Micaiah, shall we attack Ramoth-Gilead, or shall we not? Micaiah answered: “Go and be victorious. Jehovah will give Ramoth-Gilead into your hand.” 16 The king asked him: “How many times must I make you swear to tell me nothing but the truth in the name of Jehovah?” 17 Micaiah answered: “I saw all Israel scattered on the mountain like sheep without a shepherd. And Jehovah said, ‘Since they have no leaders, let them go home in peace.’” 18 Ahab said to Jehoshaphat: “Didn’t I tell you, he never prophesies anything good for me, but always bad?” 19 Micaiah went on: “Hear the word of Jehovah! I saw Jehovah sitting on His throne and all the army of heaven standing by him, to His right and to His left. 20 Jehovah asked, ‘Who shall fool Ahab, that he may go and be killed at Ramoth-Gilead?’ So one angel suggested one thing, and another suggested another thing. 21 Then an angel stood before Jehovah and said, ‘I shall fool him. Jehovah asked the angel, ‘How?’ 22 The angel answered, ‘I shall go and be there in the mouth of all his prophets.’ Jehovah said, ‘You’ll fool him and what’s more, you’ll succeed. Go and do it!’ 23 Although Jehovah let the angel to be in the mouth of all the prophets, Jehovah has mentioned of sending disaster to King Ahab." 24 Zedekiah son of Chenaanah spanked Micaiah’s face and asked: “Which way did the angel of Jehovah take when he spoke to you?” 25 Micaiah answered: “Look, you’ll find it out when you go into a room to hide. 26 The king of Israel said: “Take Micaiah and bring him back to Amon, the city governor, and to Joash, the son of the king. 27 And say, ‘This is what the king has said, ‘Put this fellow in prison and feed him with a reduced provision of bread and water until I return in peace.’” 28 Micaiah answered: “If ever you return in peace, for Jehovah didn’t mention it to me.” And he went on: “Listen, all you people!” To be continued…
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 08:02:07 +0000

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