1. Keeping temperature in view farmers are advised to do sowing of - TopicsExpress


1. Keeping temperature in view farmers are advised to do sowing of wheat in the prepared fields having optimum moisture as earliest. Seed rate: - 100 kg seed per hectare. Recommended cultivars: - H.D. 2687, H.D. 2851, H.D. 2894, H.D. 2967, D.B.W.-17. Before sowing seeds should be treated with Bavistin or Thiram @ 2-2.5 g per kilogram of seed. Recommended dose of fertilizer for N: P: K is 120, 50 and 40 kg / hectare. 2. Keeping in view of dry weather conditions, farmers are advised to irrigate wheat crop which is in CRI stage (21-25 days after sowing). After 3-4 days of irrigation broadcast of second dose of nitrogen should be done. 3. Keeping in view of temperature trend sowing of oat and barseem for fodder purpose can be done. Cultivars for Oat: - J.H.O-822, O.L.-9, Pusa oat-5 and for barseem – Vardan, Buland Barseem-1, Masakavi, J.B-3. Seed rate: - Oat 80-100 kilogram per hectare and barseem -25-30 kilogram per hectare. 4. Farmers are advised to start earthing-up in potato if crop has attained a height of 15-22 cm. If so required, the practice may be repeated after 15 days. 5. Sowing of Nantes group of carrot, European group of radish such as Pusa Mridula, Japanese White and Pusa Himani, Crimson Globe cultivar of beetroot and snowball cultivars group of turnip can be done in this week. 6. Keeping weather in view, sowing of pea should be done as earliest. Recommended cultivars: - AP-3, Linkan and Bournville. Seed should be treated with fungicides, Captan or Thiram @ 2.0 gm/ kg and after that with crop-specific Rhizobium culture. A solution of jaggary and water after boiling should be allowed to cool down and then seeds along with Rhizobium should be thoroughly mixed. The mixture should be allowed to dry in a shade. It is highly recommended that the treated seeds should be sown after 24 hours treatment. 7. This is suitable time for sowing of Sarson Saag- Pusa Saag-1; Bathua- Pusa Bathua-1; Radish- Japani White, Hill queen, French Radish; Spinach- All Green, Pusa Bharti; Fenugreek- Pusa Kasuri; Coriander- Pant Haritama, Hybrids; Turnip- Pusa Swati, Local Red variety. 8. Weather is suitable for sowing of rabi onion. Seed rate- 10 kg\ha. Before sowing seeds should be treated with Captan @ 2.5 g/ kg of seeds. 9. Keeping in view the weather, transplanting of mature seedlings of cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli may be done in raised bed. Recommended spacing should be maintained. Nursery preparation should be started for late crop which mature in January. 10. Thinning and weeding is recommended in timely sown mustard crop. 11. Intercultural operations in vegetables are advised to remove the weeds. Application of remaining doses of fertilizer in 15-25 days old crop should be done. 12. Transplanting of late marigold should be done in this week.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 13:44:27 +0000

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