1. LACK OF SUFFICIENT RESEARCH What they mean is we are trying to - TopicsExpress


1. LACK OF SUFFICIENT RESEARCH What they mean is we are trying to play God and manipulate Nature to our own greedy agenda 2. EVOLUTION OF SUPERWEEDS & SUPERBUGS Well, if the devil plays with fire, be will re-invent himself... With toxins and poisons to play with as a base, its hard to say just what exactly we could create.. 3. INCREASED PESTICIDE USE & STRONGER PESTICIDES Again, since we know nothing of what we are doing and creating poisons plain and simple to enter the Earth, and we are to invent stronger ones at that, rendering the soil totally void of Life and useless. 4. BEE & BUTTERFLY DEATHS There is a saying that entertains the fact that the Smallest of us are the most important and the most Sacred... And if the bees go, we go. 5. MONSANTO ATTEMPTS TO DISCREDIT INDEPENDENT STUDIES Of course, they will do this in order to protect business... and that is all it is, really... a business. Cant let anything make us look bad. 6. MONSANTO UNETHICALLY BULLIES SMALL FARMERS Yes, in order to intimidate them, and do the most for their desired disappearance, so the competition is at its lowest... PLUS, we cant have anything NATURALLY grown in the neighborhood... 7. MONSANTO HAS A CHOKE-HOLD ON THE GMO FOOD INDUSTRY Indeed it does, like a monopoly, wanting to crush anything in competition with it, the selfish, the daily routine of wall street, cold and unethical. 8. MONSANTO HAS A REVOLVING DOOR WITH BRANCHES OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT Monsanto has what I call diplomatic immunity... I like to compare it to the protection that was placed on them by churches and government ~ in which humanitys greatest Genocide happened against the First People of this Land... they cant be touched, either of them, for any crimes... no responsibility at all for anything... What better the crime? 9. MONSANTO HAS A HISTORY OF UNETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICES As big and greedy as they want to be, the less they care about others or anything else... Just their profit margin, thank you. And in doing so, and in cutting corners in what they do, it shows. When you serve God and Creation, the People will remember you. So is it true with serving another Entity... 10. FORCE-FEEDING AMERICANS GMOs WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT Just like government workings, it wont seek the Peoples advice or opinion, it never has, and this sort of power never serves others, just the self. And so, it will run its desirable effect and sicken or kill the people, and/or make them dependent on Big Pharma to sustain them. ~ shared from Tom Manzitti
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 00:08:15 +0000

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