1 LANCS Northern Atlas Line UPDATE: The group started the day - TopicsExpress


1 LANCS Northern Atlas Line UPDATE: The group started the day with a lie in until 07:30, and with the mosque being a good distance away most people had slept through the call to prayer. To make the morning better the cooks had prepared pancakes to go with our staple breakfast of porridge and bread. We set off at around 0900 and headed south out of Tizi Oussem towards Tamsoult along a single dirt track. The route followed the herders trail gently climbing 200m until we reached the refuge at approximately 10:45. The refuge was an instant hit with the soldiers as it sold mars bars and fanta, as well as having sit down toilets. The rooms consisted of double size bunk beds, but a couple of people had to share and get cosy. Soon after we arrived the group split with Maj Leach, 2Lt Williams, Kgn Dermott and Pte Jones heading off first to reach a lodge at 3050m called Lepiney. With the second group of Col Leighton, Sgt Singleton, LCpl Farrar, Cpl Jacob, Cpl Minshaw, Cpl McCluskey and Kgn Laws setting off just afterwards and going to the waterfalls at dIrhoulidene. Both routes went uphill quite gently criss crossing over small streams and tributaries. The waterfalls were breathtaking, quite literally for Cpl McCluskey and Kgn Dermott who decided to go under one of them - without taking their clothes off. Poor wet/dry drills indeed. The larger group stayed at the waterfalls for lunch of bread, cheese and salad, whilst the smaller group continued the climb. The Moroccan guides leading the smaller group set a quick pace and we were at the 3000m lodge within 1hour and 40mins. Nevertheless one of the Moroccans had decided to run up and was already on his way down when we were 2/3rds up. We were greeted at the top by a Moroccan local who made us fresh tea whilst we all ate lunch of bread, mackerel and cheese in a small stone lodge. After making the most of the amazing views and taking lots of selfies, the smaller group made their way down, stopping shortly at the waterfalls again. We returned to the refuge at around 14:30 just as the cloud descended and it began to rain. The afternoon was spent getting warm showers, sleeping, relaxing and reading. 2Lt Williams, Pte Jones and Kgn Laws did find a cocooned spider attached to a roof beam above one of the bunk beds so swiftly removed that using a glass and lid, putting outside as one of its legs pushed its way out of the web. During the afternoon two Australian tourists arrived and Cpl Minshaw and Pte Jones spent most of the afternoon chatting to them. They then joined us for evening meal of chicken, rice, carrots and potatoes. The group went to bed early in the chilly rooms as the following day was going to break into two groups back to Imlil over separate paths of varying difficulties.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 18:00:43 +0000

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