1) LHL said: We dont make empty promises, we deliver on what we - TopicsExpress


1) LHL said: We dont make empty promises, we deliver on what we say. When other people say First World Parliament, you dont know what it means. When we say First World Nation, here we are! This will be my reply: What happened to GCTs promise on Swiss standard of living? What happened to PAPs promise to raise the wages of Singaporeans?All these are empty promises and empty manifestos that have been recycling from past elections and not delivered at all to Singapore voters. 2) LHL said that besides being a national party for all Singaporeans, the PAP is also a responsible party. He said: When we face problems, we acknowledge them publicly, and deal with them. We dont pretend theres no problem, no comments, studying the matter, thinking about it, will clarify one day. We settle now! You lie low hoping the public will forget the issue, and the issue will go away, the public will forget you, and might as well go away. This will be my reply: The PAP has blatantly forgot about the case on AIM. We do not know the outcome of the $2 company set up by the PAP. They seem to pretend theres no problem and keep silent about it and hope the public will forget and let it go away. 3) LHL said the opposition do not see their duty as being to bring people together, solve problems or plan for the future. This is because the opposition have not articulated any vision for Singapore, as they say they cannot form the government. This will be my reply: The opposition parties especially SDP has put forth visions for a Democratic Singapore. Clearly the PAP has conveniently forgotten or hope the public do not read due to mainstream propaganda, being the govts mouthpiece, actively screening out the oppositions proposals. Even if the opposition have not articulated any vision, we, Singaporeans are clear that we want a Democratic, Equal and Just Society for Singapore as set in our Singapore Pledge. It is the PAP who has lost that vision to deliver what is set in our Singapore Pledge! 4) LHL said Every time we put out a popular policy, they say do more, they dont say how, they dont say money from where, they dont say whom they are going to take from in order to give more. And there is no vision because they say they cant form the government - no need for a vision. In fact, they dare not say that, not because they cant form the government, but because they are trying to avoid answering hard questions until well after they get elected, maybe even after then they will waffle. This will be my reply: The opposition does not dare to say Use our Reserves and taxpayers money for the purpose of Nation Building because they have no access to these funds and they have not formed the new govt. But as the ruling party, PAP has the access and is answerable for the policy that they implemented. The opposition currently is only a minority in Parliament with limited voting power as opposed to the PAP who enjoys 2/3 majority. 5) LHL also reminded cadres about the opposition parties strategy to ask Singaporeans to vote for them so they can act as a check on the PAP, and make the Prime Minister and his team work harder. If Singaporeans accept this, Singapore will only see politicians checking each other, and there will be gridlock like in other countries. He added that for every one more checker in parliament there will be one less doer, thinker and leader in the government to serve the nation and the people. Eventually there will be no more PAP to check, there will be no more able team of ministers working and solving problems for Singapore, no progress for Singapore, no future for Singapore, and that will be the last check because that will be check mate for Singapore. This will be my reply: He is quite flip-flop about his stand. In Parliament, a fierce exchange between LHL and Low Thia Khiang, LHL said the Workers Party did not ask the PAP govt what has gone right, what has gone wrong. (See video) So now he has changed his stand that the opposition should not check on each other as it will create a gridlock. But note LTK has reiterated that he does not want to jam up the govt and does not want to bankrupt the govts coffer. https://youtube/watch?v=iG8hPc72mR8 6) Prime Minister Lee said he is confident that well before the end of the next term, the PAP will have a younger, passionate and capable team ready to take over the reins. He urged members to give the team their support so that Singapore can progress, prosper and thrive into the future. This will be my reply: In GE 2011, PAP has aldy refreshed the team to have younger people to contest and some of them are now Ministers and Acting Ministers. But has our lives improved since May 2011? Are these capable and passionate team to bring Singapore into a better future? Or more train breakdowns, more flooding, higher cost of living, widening income gap, intense job competition and school placements between locals and foreigners?
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 04:04:57 +0000

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