1. My 10 months old is in hospital for viral gastro, he has been - TopicsExpress


1. My 10 months old is in hospital for viral gastro, he has been on fluids through a tube on wed night and yesterday, and has some since been taking half of his bottle feeds (minimal solids-he might take 5 tiny mouthfuls when offered). He doesnt seem to be any more energetic and still has severe diarrhoea; we have to stay again tonight which will be night 3. Can anyone please offer details of similar experiences? I just want my boy better and thought he would feel better, not still sleep all day, waking for maybe 20 mins between sleeps and being miserable. 2. Has anyone been told at their 19 week scan there baby had a cleft lip and palate, how did you deal with it? What was the outcome? 3. My son is using s26 lactose free and is 9 months, just wondering to other mums who have a lactose baby what did you do with yoghurt, cheese? And when they turned one what milk did you use? 4. Just wondering at what age your lo rolled back to front, my dd is 5mo and not interested, our health nurse thought she had low muscle tone but we saw our GP and he thinks theres no issues since shes met all other milestones. Any ways to encourage her to roll and sit up, she does around 30mins (3x10min) of tummy time a day on the floor, some on our chest, sits in the bumbo, plays in the jumperoo as well as floor time on her back, she can pull herself to stand up on our lap and hold her body weight and is quite happy doing this. Im trying encourage her to reach out to the side to get her rolling but its not helping. Any other ideas? 5. Im looking for recommendations on a stroller. One that has a basket and still lays down 6. Just wondering anyone has experienced moving house with breast milk & frozen baby food in freezer. Any way to preserve it and not need to chuck it away? (the place we are moving to is about 40 mins drive however the freezer can’t be turned on until it’s settled for an hour) 7. Just need some advice on the best capsule to get for my strider plus, I wanted to get the safe & sound unity but not sure if its compatible. 8. My now 8 month old has been having solids (cereal, fruit, yoghurt, etc.) during the day now for about two months, no issue but dinner time is my struggle. He wont eat or try ANYTHING I am feeling like a bad mum because I feel he is not getting the right nutrients for a dinner feed. Please help what do I do. I am cooking up all different types of foods but he wont eat any of them.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 02:30:22 +0000

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