1. My 4 week old boy seemed to be growing through a growth spurt 5 - TopicsExpress


1. My 4 week old boy seemed to be growing through a growth spurt 5 days ago as he was feeding every 45 min to an hour (he is breast fed only) it lasted a couple of days. 5 days later hes now feeding every hour to 1.5 hours. Could he still be going through the same growth spurt? I am thinking of giving him a bottle of formula next feed as my breasts are getting so sore. 2. My 7MO DS has become a screamer. Im really struggling to deal with it. He does it for fun, out of frustration, and just pure boredom. As a result Ive started giving him a dummy more than I would like to. I dont want to hinder his speech or make his teeth come in crooked so Im looking for alternative methods to make him stop if possible. The sound stresses me out immensely. I should mention he has his two bottom teeth and is now cutting his top two teeth (his gums up top are whitish and the teeth look just about to push thru) will this phase pass if I let it ride out or should I try to stop it somehow? 3. Silly question, but being 6 years since my last baby everything has changed and the medical processes are all different now. I am 31 weeks going for my first antenatal clinic check up (previously its just been monthly with my normal dr) what do I expect? And also after bub arrives does the hospital notify Medicare of our new addition or do we? If the hospital does it, does Medicare send out new cards? I know we send in the birth registration to bdm, but confused with the other agencies. 4. My almost 7 month old has been on solids since 4.5 months and is a greater eater. This week I have started putting small chunks of food (banana, strawberry, pumpkin, avocado, broccoli, zuchini) on her high chair table. I thought she might play with it and try to eat it but all she does is pick it up, talk to it and either drop it on the floor or in her lap. Is there anything I can do to encourage her? Ive tried putting it in her hand and then up to her face but she resists and gets cranky. 5. im due with no 2 in november and im wanting to get another baby shoot done for this baby... can any adelaide mums recommend any photographers located in adelaide that does beautiful and breathtaking photos and puts all the photos onto a disc. Also thats not too expensive. Thanks in advance 6. how and what did they find the most comfortable way of bathing their newborn after a c section? 7. Just wondering how other parents coped with babys that needed a hip brace ? 8. I have an 11 month old son. He has been having problems with his bowel movements since he was 4 months old. He can spend all day pushing (he curls up almost into a ball and goes bright red) and then when he manages to go he screams in pain until he is changed and gets a cuddle. He shows no other symptoms ie. no tummy pains or rash. We have seen our GP, Paediatrician and a pediatric GI. We have tried him on osmolax (laxative), soy formula and dairy free diet. Which didnt work. We have now been advised to try him on hydrolyzed formula (karicare aptimal pepti junior gold). They believe he has a cows milk protein allergy and possibly soy allergy. Has anyone been through this or similar? Was it a milk allergy or something else?
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 10:37:18 +0000

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