1. My DS is currently being weaned onto cows milk as reccomended - TopicsExpress


1. My DS is currently being weaned onto cows milk as reccomended by our gp. My question is how do you keep cows milk when out and about? With the formula I was just keeping powder and water separate till he needed it.... what now? How long is it ok if it is unrefridgerated? 2. Id like some strategies to help my 2 year old become a little more independent. He sticks to me like glue, particularly at home and often when we are out at a friends house or playgroup. At home when I walk out of the room, he follows even if he was happily playing. He follows me to the washing machine, the fridge, the walk in robe, everywhere! I tell him where Im going when I leave the room, but he drops whatever he was doing and comes. Id like some ideas to help him feel more confident and become a little more independent.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 06:31:16 +0000

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