1 PETER 1:23 FOR YOU HAVE BEEN BORN AGAIN, NOT OF PERISHABLE SEED, BUT OF IMPERISHABLE, THROUGH THE LIVING AND ENDURING WORD OF GOD. Precious Born Again: Lord Jesus Christ said that Sovereign God’s Kingdom was only for those who were born again. Many people think that they are ‘all right for heaven’ because they have always gone to church, have had believing parents, have studied the Holy Bible a lot or are morally good people. Nope! Trying to keep religious rules and giving money to a church does not let anyone into Lord God Almighty’s Kingdom. They all need to be born again! EZEKIEL 36:25-27 SAYS: “I WILL SPRINKLE CLEAN WATER ON YOU, AND YOU WILL BE CLEAN; I WILL CLEANSE YOU FROM ALL YOUR IMPURITIES AND FROM ALL YOUR IDOLS. I WILL GIVE YOU A NEW HEART AND PUT A NEW SPIRIT IN YOU; I WILL REMOVE FROM YOU YOUR HEART OF STONE AND GIVE YOU A HEART OF FLESH. AND I WILL PUT MY SPIRIT IN YOU AND MOVE YOU TO FOLLOW MY DECREES AND BE CAREFUL TO KEEP MY LAWS.” My beloved, the water is the sign of purification, and the Spirit is Lord God Almighty’s Holy Spirit who would change people’s hearts from the inside. And that is the Holy Spirit’s work! The new birth is not under human control, but Sovereign God’s. People are born again when they appeal to Lord Jesus Christ to save them. In the same way that a new born child has the parents’ characteristics without any effort, so the Holy Spirit lives within each person who is born into Sovereign God’s Kingdom to enable them to live like Lord Jesus Christ. So none of us can earn or study our way to heaven; but the Holy Spirit will enter everybody who repents of their sins and asks Lord Jesus Christ to give them new life. It is such good news; discuss it with your family and friends. Hope you would, but you should. Have a Pleasant day in Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Almighty blesses you all. Stay blessed.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 02:17:40 +0000

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