1. Qn Where does one get the Mirena inserted West Melbourne. I - TopicsExpress


1. Qn Where does one get the Mirena inserted West Melbourne. I went to a GP and she didnt do it. 2. My baby is 3 months next week and has his two bottom teeth coming through already. What can I do to help him? Hes so miserable and wont sleep because hes uncomfortable and in pain! Very tired mum and bub here 3. Just wondering when mums first suspected they were pregnant with number 2. How early on did you suspect it and were you right? What were the early signs/symptoms you picked up on mainly due to having been pregnant before? TIA 4. Hi, I am just after some others experiences, I am currently seeing a paediatrician and GP for regular reviews. My son is nearly 3 months and is EBF he has always put on big weight gain each week he is currently over 8kg. He has no other disorders and the paed is just monitoring it. He is also on the 97th percentile for height. I am just after others experiences if their children put on lots of weight initially and when it plateaued? 5. Are there any breastfeeding mums out there that have successfully given a formula top up before bub goes to bed at night? Did it make bub sleep longer and did it interfere with breast feeding for all other feeds? My DD2 is 2 months old and is very unsettled at night. I know she is still very young and I dont expect her to sleep through but just wanted thoughts on trying one bottle of formula. Thanks! 6. I am starting back at work in a month, with very high anxiety about leaving my baby who is 6 months old at present. I am concerned about the long days he will be having as it takes an hour to get to work, I need to drop bubs off at 6.30am, so leave home at 5.30am, should I just take him in his pjs and then he can have breakfast at daycare and get dressed there? He normally wakes now at 6am. and for dinner should he have his solids at about 4.45pm? cause Ill be picking him up at 5.15pm then he can have his bottle when we get home. Any advice or hints would be very helpful as Im extremely anxious about leaving him, its a family day care he is going to. I have started baby led weaning about 2 weeks ago, it worries me if the day care mum gives him toast and he chokes on it, should I just stick to pureed foods and then when Im with him do the toast and carrot sticks etc? 7. Hi there, just after some advice on starting solids. My nearly 5 month old goes down at 7pm after last feed and then has a big bf around 4am, she usually sleeps again until 6-7am each morning. Should I introduce the solids at the 7am feed or wait until after that one but before her nap at 9ish?? Im going to start with rice cereal mixed with a bit of apple or pear puree. 8. Wondering what ages others have tried to establish settling with their babes and if it was a success? Im not a fan of cc or cio but feel Im going to need to do either of these to a point with my newborn soon. I have 2 older children and husband soon to return to work, and I cant spend up to half an hour settling every 20 minutes with bub. Finding myself becoming increasingly anxious about it all as husbands return date approaches.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 03:13:24 +0000

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