(1) Sheriff Removes FB Page After Lawsuit Over Deleted - TopicsExpress


(1) Sheriff Removes FB Page After Lawsuit Over Deleted Comments THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT -- PUPPYCIDE FOLKS HAVE HAD THEIR COMMENTS REMOVED FROM VARIOUS LAW ENFORCEMENT FACEBOOK PAGES ... On the surface, the gravity of this case isn’t obvious. But considering that the site is paid for by tax-payers, it raises the question to the public of whether or not free speech is protected on police-owned social media platforms, especially because we here at PINAC have been very effective in social media campaigns against departments caught on video violating the rights of citizens – when the departments don’t delete our comments, which happens frequently. When asked why he made the decision to sue the Sheriff’s Department for censoring his online speech, [Dimitri ] Karras said, “I spent eight years in the Marine Corps; I fought in Iraq. I wasn’t sitting in rear either. People have fought a lot for these rights, and paid in blood. It”s about time we stopped taking them for granted. ” photographyisnotacrime/2014/11/san-diego-sheriff-removes-facebook-page/ PINAC aka Photography Is Not A Crime: photographyisnotacrime (2) Tax payers not only pay the salaries of PUPPYCIDE-GUILTY officers, we pay for their professional liability insurance which pays settlements & judgements in PUPPYCIDE cases. Tax dollars are also used for the “Paid Administrative Leave” PUPPYCIDE guilty are placed on following a PUPPYCIDE incident – basically rewarding these less than honorable and respectable officers for their actions with a paid vacation. This article lasvegassun/news/2013/oct/28/lawsuits-alleging-civil-right-violations-climb-met/ talks about AGRiP - the Association of Governmental Risk Pools. Money for the settlements comes from a self-insured liability fund maintained by the department that currently has about $17 million in it. The fund pays for liabilities ranging from eyeglasses officers break while on duty to the million-dollar legal settlements. Link to AGRiP: agrip.org/content.asp?contentid=227 (3) In the event the shooting officer is placed on paid administrative leave during the firearm discharge investigation, why isnt this PAID time utilized for the benefit of the citizens / dogs and the shooting officer required to complete ADDITIONAL ANIMAL ENCOUNTER TRAINING AND/OR SPEND THIS PAID TIME AT THE LOCAL HUMANE SOCIETY OR ANIMAL SHELTER TO BECOME MORE ACCUSTOMED TO DOGS?
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 06:16:03 +0000

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