1. Someone came to see me at my office on Friday. She had some - TopicsExpress


1. Someone came to see me at my office on Friday. She had some questions to ask about her business and how to create more awareness and visibility for her business. 2. I spent quite a bit of time sharing about persuasion and influence, marketing and personal branding. We went from Aristotle to Seth Godin to Al Ries to Chris Anderson; from the Principles of Rhetoric, to Tribes, to Positioning, to the Long Tail. Marketing is no just longer marketing. One can be the best at business administration, and still fail in entrepreneurship, if one overlooks marketing. 3. Usually, to ask something from someone, we should have something to offer in return. But I have nothing to offer you in return. I feel so sorry, she said. This stumped me a little. I didnt know what to say. But Ive had time to think about it and I know what the proper response is. 4. I have been very fortunate in recent times to sit with people who are leagues more successful and experienced than me. They shared generously of what they know and asked for nothing back in monetary returns. They didnt expect anything at all from me. It sounds surprising. There must be a hidden agenda, youd think. 5. But there isnt. Many successful people know that success isnt a one-way road. Those who receive are bound to give. Ilmu pun perlu dizakatkan 2.5% 6. We rely on Him for continuous sustenance and for Him to provide. Tak pernah rugi memberi. So we dont expect anything back from humans, we know our accounts are all in order. 7. Ill be in KL again from Monday to Wednesday, but on Thirsday Im looking forward to the reunion of Heroes. Sifu Muhammad Shawal will be there too insyaAllah. We look forward to catching up again with the Heroes, to hear from their experiences since they finished the workshop last April and for open discussion. Kalau ada masa, we will trash out about personal branding, tribe building, positioning, and how it can create wonders in networking and open opportunities beyond our wildest imaginations.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 07:48:24 +0000

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