(1) The Lexus Project Founder Speaks Out Re: PUPPYCIDE (2) - TopicsExpress


(1) The Lexus Project Founder Speaks Out Re: PUPPYCIDE (2) 7-19-2014 EVENT PHOTOS (Portland, OR; Austin, TX; Las Vegas & Carson, NV: Salt Lake City, UT and Anaheim, CA), and (3) NEWS ON CERTAIN PUPPYCIDE CASES (Max, Arfee and Lexie) (1) Lawyer Rosenthal (Lexus Project Founder): Cops Are Killing Household Dogs With Impunity Tuesday, 15 Jul 2014 05:57 PM By Sean Piccoli Police officers serving warrants and searching homes are shooting and killing household dogs at an alarming rate across the country, but are rarely prosecuted or even investigated for a violent act that leaves pet owners devastated, a lawyer told Newsmax TV on Tuesday ... Its even worse than, Were doing our job. Its We dont care, New York criminal defense attorney Richard Bruce Rosenthal told MidPoint host Ed Berliner. They see it as just an animal, just as a piece of property. newsmax/Newsfront/police-dogs-killed-militarization/2014/07/15/id/582837/ Mr. Rosenthal is the founder of The Lexus Project and has taken the West Virginia PUPPYCIDE case of Willy-Pete: thelexusproject.org/ https://facebook/pages/The-Lexus-Project-Legal-Defense-for-Dogs/134397299923522?sk=timeline Justice for Willy Pete: https://facebook/pages/Justice-for-Willy-Pete/939321142759480 (2) 7-19-2014 EVENT PHOTOS A. PORTLAND, OREGON https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.677831508939387.1073741843.155983444457532&type=1 The following organizations were part of this awesome July 19, 2014 Portland, Oregon Walk: Dojies Law (Oregon) Dojies Law, a 2016 Oregon Ballot Initiative to limit the use of force against pets and require a statewide policy for standards of training for ACOs : https://facebook/DojiesLaw Safer Oregon PAC: https://facebook/SaferOregonPAC?ref=stream&fref=nf July Bully Walk – Polos Memorial Walk: On Sunday January 30th 2011 Katie Williams held the very first bully walk here in Portland. She started them for her dog Polo because she was having such a difficult time finding a rental where she could have a pit bull. https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.677831508939387.1073741843.155983444457532&type=1 Portland Pitbull Walk: https://facebook/pages/Portland-Pit-Bull-Parade/155983444457532?fref=nf B. Austin, TX Justice for Bullet We had an awesome turn out, it was great seeing everyone and receiving the updated information. (13 photos) https://facebook/Justice4Bullet/photos/pcb.279087415609034/279087118942397/?type=1&theater Support for Shiner Bock We had an excellent Rally for our Family Dogs at the Texas State Capitol Today! Bravo and thank you for all who supported and all who came. Also KVUE was there taking film. https://facebook/supportforshiner/photos/pcb.651822421580956/651820988247766/?type=1&theater Justice for Vinny photos https://facebook/JusticeForVinny/photos/a.314184945425213.1073741852.175328362644206/314185002091874/?type=1&theater C. Las Vegas & Carson, NV https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=768175539881242&set=a.361081900590610.87597.189533627745439&type=1&theater Louisa Thurston Martin 3 hrs I JUST GOT HOME FORM THE KOPS RALLY AND I WANT TO THANK EVERYONE THAT WAS OUT THERE NOT ONLY FOR ME BUT FOR MY BRUNO AND BLUE TO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT FOR ALL THE FUR BABIES SHOT AND KILLED BY POLICE THANK MY DAUGHTER NORAH FOR MAKING SIGNS AND MY SON DONAVIN FOR GOING WITH AND MY FRIEND BILL TO https://facebook/events/684721928229671/?ref=22 Carson, NV: https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10201852340664867&set=o.189533627745439&type=1&theater D. SALT LAKE CITY, UT https://facebook/TheGentleAssassin/media_set?set=a.602680529847019.1073741912.100003152330693&type=1 Media Coverage of Utah 7-19-2014 Rally fox13now/2014/07/19/protest-at-state-capitol-a-response-to-officer-who-shot-killed-dog-in-mans-backyard/ Links to a few more photos https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/p526x395/10507085_698625056858558_956780718718751670_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/s720x720/10495295_698626590191738_8593155046929949605_o.png https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=698593970195000&set=a.686128904774840.1073741829.684056971648700&type=1&relevant_count=1 #JusticeForGeist For Those Who Couldnt Make The Rally. Please Show Your Support By Signing Our Petition. Sign And Share! Thank You And Lets Keep Going! change.org/petitions/salt-lake-city-police-department-i-demand-the-police-officer-who-killed-the-dog-geist-be-held-accountable-for-using-excessive-force-and-request-that-all-salt-lake-officers-be-retrained-on-how-to-deal-with-dog-encounters Whos ready to fight for their rights! Here are some pictures from the last rally - over a thousand showed up! https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.591380704310335.1073741870.100003152330693&type=1&l=7d1b289508 Justice For Geist July 19th Rally - Utah State Capitol (37 photos) #JusticeForGeist #SLCPD @JusticeForGeist Facebook/JusticeForGeist E. Anaheim, California (appears to be more families of people shot by police) World Wide Protest To Stop Police Brutality Against Our Pets: https://facebook/events/268400206645246/ https://facebook/photo.php?v=308459615994004 https://facebook/photo.php?v=1512961888920328 (3) NEWS ON CERTAIN PUPPYCIDE CASES A. MAX PUPPYCIDE (Hawthorne, CA) News: Team Max, I have some very Awesome news....The Mayor of the City of Hawthorne and the Council have heard our Voices - This is on the Agenda for 7/22/14 @ 6pm at the Council Meeting. (Agreement between the City of Hawthorne and the ‘Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - Los Angeles’ (SPCALA) RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the City Council Approve Agreement between the City of Hawthorne and the ‘Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ (SPCALA). WE WIN... https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10201347346044094&set=pcb.10201347353884290&type=1&theater B. ARFEE PUPPYCIDE Case News Critical Incident protocol is the latest news in connection with the PUPPYCIDE of Arfee. cdapress/news/local_news/article_b6d57d68-0fde-11e4-b955-0019bb2963f4.html Arfees case is a PUPPYCIDE case and involves serious investigation infractions of law enforcement, in addition to the shooting. Cant help but draw similarities between this Alfee news and the situation in La Vernia, Texas involving the Afghanistan dog, Toby and the improper investigation done by the Wilson County Texas Sheriffs Office. “The sheriff’s office of Wilson County, Texas is being defined as unprofessional,” “unethical,” and “illegal” by the prominent animal rights attorney representing the owner of Toby, the dog killed by a neighbor in Texas last month.” examiner/list/attorney-responds-to-sheriff-s-office-unethical-tactics-dog-killing-case Justice for Toby FB page: https://facebook/JusticeForTobyaSoldiersDog Justice for Arfee: https://facebook/reliefforthelossofalab C. Justice for Lexie: Lexies owner has filed a federal lawsuit: Fox 2 News Detroit Report https://youtube/watch?v=0dRwDAoauvU Lexie was shot by Saint Clair Shores police. An independent necropsy shows she died from a suspect 15 bullet wounds from 8 bullets. After being shot she was ... Justice for Lexie: https://facebook/Justice4Lexie
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 02:29:58 +0000

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