1. The process of SSB is most scientific method to find out your - TopicsExpress


1. The process of SSB is most scientific method to find out your true personality. As their advertisement says: Do You Have It In You? If you have it in you, they will find out. Approach the entire process confidently and with open mind. There is nothing to stop you. 2. Recently, A gentleman who was an SSB Official shared some information on SSB Interview. When he was asked about how the evaluation of candidates is done; he said, all the candidates are categorized in 5 grades A, B, C, D, and E. The Candidates in A, B and E grades are rejected. The logic for the same seems to be an eye opener for everyone. 3. “A” and “B” are too intelligent and hence cannot be trained efficiently to become officers. They are the ones who are more likely to be potential Musharafs! An “E” grade candidate simply doesn’t have the aptitude to become an officer. Thus, after eliminating A B and E; “C” and “D” are the only guys, who have the potential; and they are the ones who can be trained and molded to become officers. 4. First and foremost: Do not try to pose what you are not. Be honest, natural and down to earth. If one is trying to cheat during the process of SSB Interview, it will be easily detected by the Group Testing Officers (or GTOs), the Interviewing Officers and the Psychologist who have been specially trained to conduct this process of interview. And mind you, they have vast experience of judging hundreds (rather thousands) of potential officers wanting to join the Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force), who come for SSB Interview as candidates, from different states and variety of family background. 5. The SSB interview is spread over duration of 4 to 5 days and it involves different types of tests to find out your Personality; your Leadership Qualities; and your Psychological build up! A word of caution here, even if you clear the other tests; unless the Psychologist finds you fit to become an OFFICER, you will not be selected by the SSB. 6. If you have sufficient time at your disposal, you may join some coaching class; but it is not a must and it is not going to help much. Update himself about General Knowledge, Interview Technique and improve your Physical Fitness and Stamina etc. 7. You can buy or borrow any book about SSB Interview and just go through it once; which will give you sufficient idea about the entire process. Also, if any of your friends has undergone this interview recently, he can give you some practical hints. 8. There is no need of become a Parrot and rattle out things during the SSB Interview. It will not do any good. During Group Discussions, do not overstep someone elses time or point. You must speak (in you turn) to the point and add something substantial to the discussion rather than just repeating what others have said. Do not ridicule anyone during the Group Discussion. Remember, you can’t prove a point by raising your voice (or shouting). Also, do not try to sum up the discussion; that is not your job as a candidate. Leave it for the GTO to do it. 9. In the Group Discussion, some Candidates tend to keep on speaking, even when they do not have something substantial to say or add, without giving chance to others. One should know when to speak, when to give chance to others and more important of all : when to keep one’s mouth shut. Also, the more one speaks; the more one tends to exhibit bond like” traits in his personality. 10. Always be positive and that is MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR which is going to help you during the interview. During Group Tasks, dont be selfish. You have to help the entire group to perform well, to the best of your ability, so that your group does well. The success of your group will be your true reward. 11. Whatever written above, will definitely help you to perform well. It is the test of your personality which can not be built overnight. It is the test of the leadership qualities in you which cant be imported. These are part of your mental set up (nay personality) and would depend as to how you have been brought up and what constructive activities you have been involved in during your student/social life. 12. If there is any Service Officer (Army, Navy or Air Force) near your place, do visit him and ask for some positive inputs about. Mind you, there will be some Well Wishers who will tell you only the negative aspects about the Armed Forces. Just avoid them. It is not going to help. Your outlook must be positive! 13. SSB is a test of your aptitude and nothing else. SSB preparation doesn’t guarantee your selection. It only reduces your nervousness and nothing else. 14. If you have it in you, then youll get selected without even an ounce of SSB coaching or preparation. Andif you don’t have it in you, then even 5 years of SSB Coaching won’t get you through the selection rounds. 15. Now the question : What is it that GTO would be looking for in the candidates during the SSB Interview ? These are the aspects that attracts a GTO :- (a) Natural Intelligence, (b) Natural Communicative Skills, (c) Natural Team Work; and (d) 15 Officer Like Qualities (OLQs). 16. Be Natural, the GTO was referring to those traits and characteristics that one is born with and also one has developed over the past 19 to 22 years; and NOT in some 30 days stint with SSB Coaching Class. 17. The biggest problem faced by the Armed Forces is NOT lack of officers; but it is the lack of QUALITY officers. The GTO went on to say, in 60s-70s-80s, there were more recommendations than number of seats available; and now there are so many vacant seats in the academy. This the GTO implied as no fault of the selection methods but fault of the candidature material. 18. Last but not the least: Be confident of your ability and capability. At the same time, be careful not to be overconfident. (Don’t forget, there is a very thin line between being‘Confident’ and ‘Over Confident’). Be co-operative and helpful to everyone. Though you all will be competing against each other, let it be a healthy rivalry. We will pray to the Almighty for your success in the SSB Interview.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 19:23:22 +0000

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