1. This is my first baby, its been ready and fully engaged for - TopicsExpress


1. This is my first baby, its been ready and fully engaged for weeks and now at 37weeks its decided to move and its now breech. (Seen my midwife monday, so within two days its all happened) Has anyone else experienced this and what was the process at this far along. Thankx in advance 2. Im just wondering if anyones bub has or has had a lip tie (results in gap between front teeth), and wether they had it stripped or not? Im really confused with what to do 3. Hi, Ive started my 5mo DD on solids but she doesnt seem to like vegetables - Ive tried peas and sweet potato so far. Has anyone else had this problem? What vegetables do other mums give their babies? 4. Just wondering approximately how many breastfeeds or how often other mums are feeding their 1 year olds and roughly what times. My son is 6 months but just trying to think ahead to when I have to go back to work to get an idea of how many feeds they may have as I do want to continue feeding. 5. I have a DS who will be 2 on Sunday. I was told today that I will be induced (due to medical reasons) with bub #2 on Sunday night/early Monday. My question is for those families with siblings with bdays so close together. I know that while they are little it wont be an issue, but I am worried about how they will feel as they get older. 6. My breastfed 3.5month old dd has been waking every 2 hours at night for almost a week, usually hungry. Before this she would sleep 4-6 hours between feeds. Should I just stick it out and hope things return to normal? Im really worried this is going to become the norm... Has anyone experienced this? 7. I was just wondering if anyone has noticed that when theyve gotten sick with a flu or cold while breast feeding your milk supply dropped? Ive just started getting a sore throat and aches and pains and Ive noticed I havent been able to express as much as I could a few days ago. TIA 8. Hi, I am 11w pregnant with my second child, and for the past couple of weeks at around the same time in the afternoon I start to get very overwhelmed by emotions - tears, feelings of worthlessness etc. About the only thing me through is that Im pretty sure its all just because of the hormones, but I wanted to know if anyone else has felt the same or has any tips? TIA 9. Does anyone no where you can buy the nan pro 2 formula in bulk I no they do the nan ha gold in bulk but im afta the nan pro
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 07:54:00 +0000

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