1 Timothy 3:6b (NKJV) lest being puffed up with pride he fall into - TopicsExpress


1 Timothy 3:6b (NKJV) lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil. Another spirit that is overtaking many in this hour is Pride. Pride sets in when you allow a high minded heart to rule you or a superiority complex that you are more skilled, anointed, or gifted than most especially those who God had placed in leadership over you. Following the pattern of satan (there is nothing new under the sun) you begin to consider yourself greater than, superior, and thus you begin to command out of entitlement; elevation or promotion, and the like which are out of the will of God. The danger of allowing this spirit to take root is that not only does it guarantee a fall it sadly also causes you to make others fall. Pride opens up error, critism, gossip, slander, backbiting, and finally rebellion against God and His people. Father in the name of Jesus I come against and cast out every network, agenda, and assignment of pride against your kingdom in this hour. Every spirit and pseudo-spirit of pride be thou removed from the minds, heart, and wills of those consumed in this hour. For every prideful spirit that is causing backlash and retaliation I release the word and judgments of God upon you and cause you to fail now. Let humility begin to consume the places where pride ruled and Let your Holy Spirit raise up a standard against this enemy of the kingdom of God. In the name that is above pride and its effects, in the name of Jesus I decree. Amen
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 23:39:05 +0000

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