1 Timothy 6: 1-21 “If I bless you with money, I also give you - TopicsExpress


1 Timothy 6: 1-21 “If I bless you with money, I also give you a responsibility to keep your heart right about it.” Some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10 “Money, money, money. . . MONEY!’ Is it the theme song of a reality TV show, mantra of our times, or both? Cold, hard cash! We love it, even though most of us can’t ever seem to afford our best dreams. Money is necessary and good. However, our tendency toward discontent quickly runs a great resource into a trap if we don’t learn to manage our desires. Managing money, like yesterday’s reading about managing families, has everything to do with managing our priorities. Paul couldn’t end his first letter to his protégé, Timothy, without addressing the wonderful mixed blessing of money and what it reveals about our “true faith,” a key phrase he also used in chapter 5 regarding our families. In today’s reading, we see that the priority we give to our finances also reveals something about our faith. We might assume we’re not too money hungry. We can’t keep up with Mr. Jones’s lifestyle, but then again we do have more than Sally Frugality. Yet, let’s be heart – and – soul honest abut the time we invest thinking about what we would like to own. We’re constantly surrounded by wealth and the endless push to work harder to earn more to have the toys to enjoy a better life. It’s tough to avoid being consumed by all we’re told we can have. Keeping in mind that your finances are God’s resources that he has entrusted to you can help you maintain priorities that honor him and reveal true faith. Enjoy what God loans you, but always remember that he provide so that you can serve him better. If your desires have become slanted toward fulfilling more of your whims than helping others, it’s time to reevaluate whether you’re using his blessings from a heart of true faith. the Daily God Book Erin Keeley Marshall
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 12:40:29 +0000

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