#1. Title V & IV Funding abolished. It is the motivator for the - TopicsExpress


#1. Title V & IV Funding abolished. It is the motivator for the corruption in these departments. It should no longer be given as an incentive to recruit and employ foster parents. If, the argument is that CPS wont be able to find foster parents to fill the care roll, then whatever is offered and given to a would be foster parent, is also given equally to a kinship caregiver. It has been proven over and over again that children fair far better being raised within their own families than by strangers. It also reduces the risk of injury, neglect, trauma, and death for these children. What a wonderful concept huh? #2. Checks and balances; remember that concept? An independent agency ran by parent/advocates to oversee what CPS does and does not do. They meet once a week and go over CPS cases for that week and have the final say as to whether a child is really at risk or not and needing to be removed or not. Certain things must be present and proven by the worker; Example: Does the child seem to be in iminent danger? Does the child look malnurished, dirty or clean, have noticeable bruises and cuts that could have only come from being struck by someone with an object? Does the child relate well with the parent? Does the Parent relate well/attentively to the child, or does the child seem fearful, reluctant, scared, withdrawn, etc...all the tell tale signs of someone who is being abused. If a genuine concern is present, a licenced trained doctor/psychologist will be provided for this child to analyze what is going on with this child. These over seers can not be paid by CPS, or the State/County Offices, but out of our tax dollars. Within this system shall also be provided a complaints department to take and review complaints against the CPS departments, and adaquately and thoroughly investigated. #3. All Social workers must have a minimum of two years in extensive training in Psycology, Parenting, Family growth and bonding, the different levels of abuse, to be taught what true abuse is and be able to tell between a swat on the bottom or a whack upside the head with a hair brush. They must obtain a degree in this field, one that they actually studied for to become a social worker. They must take an exit exam and pass it at 90% or above. Too often some whacko decides one day that they want to be a social worker, and all she/he has to do is get a degree in something: Art, Music, literature, etc...and the whole training to be a social worker is less than three months. That is why we have so many very young social workers running about reaking havock on families, because they came from homes where there was no abuse or neglect, that had money, that only saw someone really being abused by a parent or relative, or a stranger maybe once or twice in their lives, and have no clue that there are different kinds and levels of abuse. Most social workers dont even have children of their own (did you know that?) so how can they presume to tell anyone how to be a parent when they have not even recieved the training on what a parent is, and dont even have any on hands experience with families and children? #4. The CONSTITUTION/CIVIL/HUMAN/and DISABILITY RIGHTS need to apply in Family Courts just as they do in every other court. Infact; we should abololish Family Courts because we do not need them. There are already courts and laws (Governed by our Constitution) covering criminal, domestic, and civil issues. If you hit someone, you go to jail for assault. Why is it any different if someone hits a child? Family Courts are just a laudering device for CPS to filter children and families through to feed their corruption. #5. POPONDERENCE of the EVIDENCE! Cases will no longer be based or proved by hearsay evidence from social workers or their coherts; Doctors, Psychiatrists, Teachers, Neighbors, etc...who work strictly for them (or their own agendas) and not the best interest of the child or the family. Clear and concise evidence will be produced and reviewed by both parties, and will be evaluated by the Judge/Magistrate instead of only CPSs hearsay evidence and made up testimony. If they do not show clear and concise evidence, cant prove their allegations, then the case is immediately dismissed and children reunited immediately with their families. #6. No more anonomous tips to 911 or CPS agencies. Too often this system is being abused and used as a means of attacking someone out of anger and revenge by friends, family, neighbors, teachers, doctors, social workers, etc...Our Constitution says that we have a right to face our accusers and for this very reason (Gee, you think our Forefathers knew this way back then?) Resolution to this problem; Example: If someone reports a neighbor to CPS as being abusive towards their children, they must give their name to the worker and it must be recorded. The worker does not have to disclose the nature of the report or where it came from unless the allegations were proven to be false. Then the reportee will be arrested and fined for making a false report (just like they do to people who make false reports to 911). Their identity will then be made available to their victims so they can pursue whatever action they feel is right for what the caller caused them. If it is proven that the caller really was concerned and telling the truth about abuse going on, then they will be protected from those they reported. Clear and simple. It will stop the abuse of our reporting system to victimize people, and at the same time protect legitimate callers. #7. NO MORE IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION = ACCOUNTABILITY and CONSEQUENCES FOR SOCIAL WORKERS, JUDGES, MAGISTRATES, ATTORNEYS, GALS, CASA WORKERS, DOCTORS, THERAPISTS, PSYCOLOGISTS, POLICE, FOSTER PARENTS, MANDATED REPORTERS, OMBUDSMAN, ETC...who lie, break the law, retaliate, attack, falsify documents, commit fraud or cause harm, or misuses their position and power to injure anyone. #8. EQUAL PARENTING FOR BOTH PARENTS - ENFORCED! Too often parents use their children as a tug of war tool against the other parent. This must stop. Unless the parent has a history of abuse, on going records of said abuse, valid evidence of such abuse, then both parents shall retain full shared custody of their children with equal parenting rights to these children. If they cant be grown ups about this and be responsible in facilitating their childrens visits with the other parent, then a mediator shall be involved to do this for them. They can come to a mutual agreement about parental time and responsibilities together, and if they can not, someone else can designate these responsibilities for them. To be revisited yearly for modifications as the needs arise. Example: One parent may find a better job out of State and want to have their children live with them 6 months out of the year. When the original contract stated that they must live in the same town as the other parent. When a parent is given shared custody, or parenting time, and the other party plays the keep away game in retaliation to the other parent, that parent shall be held accountable for violating a court order. If he/she can produce a valid reason as to why visitation had to be disrupted or changed, then no consequence shall be imposed. #9. FOSTER TRAINING & THOROUGH BACKGROUND CHECKS! Foster care training is an 8 to 10 week course, of going over CPSs training manual, having catered meals, their responibililities in cooperating with CPS, the GAL, and the Department. There is no testing, no degrees, no evaluations as to whether or not a person is capable or able to take in and care for children. I know, I took the course myself. If they want to recruit foster parents, they accept anyone reguardless of their background history. A background check needs to be done, then sent to the very committee (above) that oversees CPS, to be reviewed by trained advocates/parents as to whether or not this person is qualified to foster. These people who want to become foster parents must also complete thorough training, of at least One year, and obtain a degree in psycology, or a related doctrine, and complete a psycological evaluation as part of their curriculum to foster. #10. It says in their Foster Training Manual, that all children will be immediately removed from the home and a full investigation done when anyone complains against the Foster parent/parents and makes allegations of neglect and/or abuse towards the children in their home and care. This is not being done at all. Instead; the reporter is being labeled as an angry rebellous parent, making false reports to get back at the foster parent/parents for having their child/children. CPS does not bother with the investigation of these claims because they got what they were after, what they wanted, the money for removing the children from their homes and families and placing them in foster care. If they listen and investigate the foster family, it will tie up, stall, or eliminate their funding, and theyd have to start all over. Every single allegation needs to be listened to and thoroughly investigated. It is better to err on the side of someones say so accusations, then to have this child/children live with the torture and abuse that many now suffer, or to end up crippled or dead because no one looked into it. #11. Children need to be heard, allowed to have a voice, and say in where they want to live, and whom with. Too often CPS workers and Judges make these choices for them, giving them no say whatsoever, and rip them away from qualified family members who truly love them and want to take on the responsibility of raising them. Children know who love and take care of them, whos there for them, who they are comfortable around and who they are not comfortable around. Even an infant will shy away and start crying when someone who hurts them comes near them. Even if it is suspected that the child is just making things up about the caregiver, he/she is obviously not happy or comfortable with their caregiver and doesnt want to live with them. For whatever reason they may have, they need to be heard and their wishes looked into. They are not wanting to be there for some reason, and that needs to be considered in placing this child. #12. THE REUNIFICATION PROCESS needs to be done and not just pretended to be done by caseworkers so it looks good in their records. Example: In my case with my granddaughter, not once did they give us anything legitimate to work on in order to get my granddaughter returned. They gave us a parenting plan, then sabotaged us at every opportunity to keep us from successfully completing the parenting plan, all the while telling my son that he might as well give up because his daughter, my granddaughter was better off in the foster home she was in. They fought us at every turn to stop us from getting her back. Even when we did not back down, and I successfully completed their parenting plan despite their efforts to keep me from it, they paid a psychiatrist (that they use frequently) to diagnose me with mental conditions that I do not have (confirmed by 4 independent therapists that I sought and saw on my own who all conqure that I do not have any mental health issues. I purpose that when a parenting plan is given for parents or relatives to do, that a review board conduct an interview with the parents/relatives whom should be asked if they felt that they were given fare treatment, a fair assessment, and evaluate their workers and their conduct. This would prevent them from doing what they do to people. #13. If a family claims that the worker is being innappropriate, not doing their job correctly, lying, etc...and they ask to be given a different caseworker, it should be granted without question because its never going to work with this worker or this family. We requested a different worker having caught the case worker several times in lies, and my granddaughter was telling us the caseworker and foster parent were hurting her, and we were adamantly denied. #14. When a family member fills out a petition for custody, they should be given a hearing and allowed to present their evidence to the court as to why they should be given custody of the child. I applied for custody of my granddaughter twice, both times my motions were just denied. I never got notified of a hearing, never had a hearing, it was just denied. I passed their parenting plans, took a foster training class on my own and passed it with flying colors, and a parenting class where I was given a letter of accommodation and that I was a good mentor for children, and I was still denied a hearing and custody. I was never even given the opportunity to show my accomplishments or evidence that these workers and their dept. lied and falsely accused us. #15. The entire CPS and Family Court System is corrupt and needs to be shut down, and all current staff fired and charged with criminal intent. Heres why: Workers know what they are doing and that it isnt right or legal. They are being trained on how to manipulate the system in order to justify their taking children from their families, how to fault the family for something, and how to successfully strip parents and families of their rights. A good sincere worker would be a whistle blower, or at the very least leave that profession. They stay and aid and abet the corruption that their depts. tell them to do. They are just as guilty as their employers and need to be held accountable right along with them. #16. Every case (in every State, County, and Country) conducted by CPS and the Family Courts (going back to when Bill Clinton signed the safe families act, and the incentives to abduct children) needs to be reopened and reinvestigated, starting with the most recent cases and working backwards to 1997 when these things were implemented. Those who were taken away without just cause or proof, need to be reunited with their families, even if they have already aged out of fostercare. A qualified professional unbaised impartial staff needs to do the investigations of these cases. The CPS and Family Courts can pay for this process with all the money they recieved from stealing our children. #17. The States no longer have automatic custody of our children. In Colorado, when you have a child, the State automatically has custody. You have to file for custody of your own child and have it granted to you.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 02:42:53 +0000

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