1. Tyndale’s translation (1525) 2. The Coverdale Bible - TopicsExpress


1. Tyndale’s translation (1525) 2. The Coverdale Bible (1535) 3. The Matthews Bible (1537) 4. The Great Bible (1539) 5. The Geneva Bible (1560) 6. The Bishops Bible (1568) The seventh translation would be the “preserved” words of God. It is interesting to note that in creation (Genesis 1) six times God said “it was good”. But the seventh time He said “it was very good”. 7. The Holy Bible (1611) (Also called the Authorized Version and later King James Version) 1.Hebrew AV Editions 1. Tyndale’s translation (1525) 2.Aramaic 2. The Coverdale Bible (1535) 3.Greek 3. The Matthews Bible (1537) 4.Old Syriac 4. The Great Bible (1539) 5.Old Latin 5. The Geneva Bible (1560) 6.German 6. The Bishops Bible (1568) 7.ENGLISH 7. The Holy Bible (1611) AV Editions 1.The Holy Bible (1611) 2.1613 3.1617 4.1629 5.1638 6.1743 7.1769 God has only ONE Bible in any language. The AV 1611 is Gods Bible in English. Go ahead, Alexandrians. Wrest the precious old BOOK to your hearts content … but just remember the solemn warning pronounced on you by its Author in Revelation 22:18-19!!! But, of course, you will ignore what I am saying. You dont believe there is only ONE BOOK. You cant stand the idea that there is ONE BOOK. This is why you will tear away at my King James Bible without the least bit of concern. You will wield your scholarly penknife just like Jehoiakim did, and boast of your deed. Let me take you back to the twelfth Psalm: The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified SEVEN times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shall preserve them from this generation for ever (Psalm 12:6-7). Please note that Gods words are as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified SEVEN times. Now let me give you some historical facts. If you dont believe me, youll have some fun checking it out for yourself … then youll believe me. Let me list for you the first SEVEN languages into which God put His Word. I will give it to you in the chronological order in which it was done. Gods Word in ENGLISH is the AV1611 King James Bible … and isnt it interesting that number seven is ENGLISH!!! There is something else that is fascinating. The King James Bible was first published in 1611, a time when there was no set way to spell English words … and no guidelines for punctuation. Shortly thereafter, effort was made among the English-speaking people to set down some rules for punctuation and establish fixed spellings for words. During the next 158 years, the English language, therefore, underwent rapid changes. Each time there was a plateau established, a new edition of the King James Bible was published to bring the spelling and punctuation in line with it. I hasten to point out that these were EDITIONS ... not REVISIONS. Let me now give you the chronological order of the editions: The King James Bible that we have today is the 1769 edition. Please note that it is number SEVEN! There has never been another edition since. Of course not! SEVEN is the number of PERFECTION! There will never be an eighth edition. You cannot improve on PERFECTION! God has the spelling and punctuation EXACTLY as He wants it. When Jerry Falwell and Thomas Nelson came out with their so-called New King James version, Mr. Falwell advertised it as the Fifth Edition of the King James Bible. This was to make people who didnt know better think it was just another edition. Baloney. For one thing, the fifth edition came out in 1638. And for another, the New King James version is NOT an edition … it is a PERVERSION. The 1769 edition of the 1611 King James Bible is PERFECT. It has 31,175 verses. I believe God has every chapter and every verse EXACTLY as He wants them in His BOOK. The middle verse of the King James Bible is Psalm 118:8. Look at it. It is better to trust in THE LORD than to put confidence in man (Psalm 118:8). You ask me, CAN I TRUST MY BIBLES TRANSLATION? Absolutely ... if you have a good old fashioned, devil-kicking, sin condemning, Christ-exalting, soul-saving, life-changing, perfect, infallible, inerrant, inspired, uncorrectable, incorruptible, double-edged, quick and powerful AV1611 KING JAMES BIBLE!!!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 04:42:11 +0000

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