1. WHO declares Ebola epidemic a global emergency i. The - TopicsExpress


1. WHO declares Ebola epidemic a global emergency i. The World Health Organisation today declared the killer Ebola epidemic ravaging parts of West Africa an international health emergency and appealed for global aid to help afflicted countries. ii. The decision after a two-day emergency session behind closed doors in Geneva means global travel restrictions may be put in place to halt its spread as the overall death toll nears 1,000. iii. WHO director Dr Margaret Chan, appealed for greater international aid for the country’s worst hit by the outbreak, which she described as the most serious in four decades, echoing an earlier claim by MSF that the “epidemic is unprecedented in terms of geographical distribution, people infected and deaths“. iv. States of emergency were in effect across overwhelmed west African nations, including Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. v. Ebola has claimed at least 932 lives and infected more than 1,700 people since breaking out in Guinea earlier this year, according to the WHO. vi. Ebola causes severe fever and, in the worst cases, unstoppable bleeding. It is transmitted through contact with bodily fluids, and people who live with or care for patients are most at risk. Note: First discovered in 1976 and named after a river in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ebola has killed around two-thirds of those infected, with two outbreaks registering fatality rates approaching 90 per cent. The latest outbreak has a fatality rate of around 55 per cent.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 13:53:11 +0000

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