1. Wanted some advice on double prams. When this new baby arrives, - TopicsExpress


1. Wanted some advice on double prams. When this new baby arrives, will have a newborn and a 15month old baby. I was tossing up between bugaboo donkey and icandy apple 2 pear? Open to suggestions. What is ideal for this age gap? What did you feel you needed out of a pram for this age gap? 2. My little one is nearly 8 months old and I have been exclusively expressing since he was 6 weeks old (due to poor latch) I used to have a great supply but after a couple of days of not pumping as much as I should, I have noticed my supply is dwindling a bit. Is it possible to get my supply back up if I spend a couple of days pumping every 2 hours? (I already take fenugreek and am on domperidome) 3. I was wondering what age you let your baby try to feed themselves? 4. Has anyone has experienced there baby only having a two-vessel umbilical cord? How far along in their pregnancy they were when it was picked up? If there were any complications, further tests etc, Im just after some other experiences 5. I need any hints people have on how to deal with really bad morning (24hr a day) sickness! I am currently only 6 weeks pregnant and am struggling to keep anything down. I also feel extremely guilty because I have a beautiful, very active, 14month old girl who constantly wants my attention. I have tried restavit & zofran with minimal relief. Has anyone tried acupuncture and found it helped? Im desperate for any hints! 6. Im a single parent of a 8 week old baby girl, she has colic extremely bad from about 3pm until she finely screams her self to sleep around 8pm and then is up every 1.5-2 hours for a feed Im really over tired and stressed out, dose anyone have any advice on what I can do? Starting to feel like Im not coping 7. 2 week old baby....venturing out into the world and seems to be taking for ever any tips? 8. Just wanting recommendations on which electric breast pump to buy without having to spend millions. One thats easy to use, etc? #expressing #breastpump #morningsickness #doublepram
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 02:53:01 +0000

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