1. What I hate: The KatKave and KATZY KAT 2. My crush: My Yummy - TopicsExpress


1. What I hate: The KatKave and KATZY KAT 2. My crush: My Yummy Klondike Bar :3 3. Who do i miss: My dad 4. Girl best friend: Idk most of the girls in the azn family? 5. Guy best friend: Jason, Jeffrey, Nich, and Seth :D 6. Do I give second chances?: Yup :D 7. Someone I trust with my life: Guys listed above ^ 8. Do I get jealous?: Nah 9. Coke or Pepsi?: Or ( I hate both) :D 10. Been in a car accident?: Yup 11. Been in a fist fight?: Nope 12. Last text: Idk Jeffrey or Jessie Luo 13. Last person I talked to in person: My sister :D 14. Last song I listened to: Growl by EXO 15. Favorite food: Dumprings :3 16. Favorite drink: Water 17. Have I ever went over my minutes or text messages?: Lol nope 18. Have I ever wanted to kill someone?: Ehhh 19. Have I ever broken a promise?: Yesh 20. Have I ever pretended to be happy?: All the time :D 21. Girls i trust: Prob Elsie, Melissa or Jessie 22. Boys i trust: All da guys above ^ 23. People that make me laugh: The whole azn family :D 24. Someone i hate: KATZY KAT UGHHH 25. My biggest fear: KATZYKAT sees this D:
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 07:49:22 +0000

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