1. What is your middle name: Anastasia 2. What was favourite - TopicsExpress


1. What is your middle name: Anastasia 2. What was favourite subject at school: Science until I got to high school…then it was and still is Psychology. 3. What is your favourite drink: Gatorade or Roarin’ Waters Capri Suns 4. What is your favourite song at the moment: Anything by the Beach Boys now.. it’s summer! 5. What would you name your kids: I have a lot of boy names picked out… Mason, Elijah, Max, Chase, Cooper. For girls, maybe Chloe, Samantha, Harper, Brooklyn. I don’t know! 6. Do you take part in any sports: I used to dance, play softball, volleyball, flag football, and rugby. Rugby is what did me in. 7. Favourite book of all time: I have to admit that the Hunger Games trilogy will probably always be a favorite, and I just read another great book called No Safety in Numbers. But I loved The Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, and The Perks of Being a Wallflower as well. I guess I don’t really have a favorite. 8. Favourite Colour: anything bright! Also anything with glitter…but pink probably takes the cake here. 9. Favourite animal: tigers! And I really like dingoes as well. 10. Favourite Perfume: Victoria’s Secret Bombshell 11. Favourite Holiday: Christmas! 12. Have you graduated high school: Yes, in 2010 13. Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times: I’ve been to Paris and the Bahamas. 14. Do you speak any other language: I can speak slight French. 15. How many siblings do you have: one twin brother. 16. What is your favourite store: Target! 17. Favourite restaurant: I can’t eat out very often anymore…but I do love the Cheesecake Factory 18. Do you like school: Yeah, but I have been on break for about a year. I am going back this coming fall, but it will be at a branch campus instead of the main university campus. 19. Favourite Blog: Hey It’s Free…get a lot of free stuff from there! 20. Favourite Movie: Fight Club! Maybe not my favorite, but I love it a lot. 21. Favourite TV show: The Big Bang 22. PC or Mac: PC 23. What phone do you have: HTC One X 24. How tall are you: 5’ 5” 25. What part of your body do you like the most and your least favourite: I actually like my lips haha and my eyes… and I used to love my legs. I HATE my arms. Feel free to ask anything else! ღ {τιgrιs} ღ
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 06:39:10 +0000

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