1. What’s her shoe size? 7 2. Within three, how many pairs of - TopicsExpress


1. What’s her shoe size? 7 2. Within three, how many pairs of shoes, sneakers and boots does she own? 8-10 3. Can you list, with first and last names, each of her uncles, aunts and first cousins? NO WAY WERE HISPANIC PSSSHH 4. Where was she born? Guatemala 5. What’s her idea of the perfect pizza? bacon? 6. When was the last time she: lied to a relative or good friend? last week took a vitamin? Months ago played ping-pong? School 7. Can you name at least two brands of makeup or hair products she uses? Garnier fructis? (spelt that wrong) aussie 8. For someone she truly loves, would she willing to move to another country? a) She’d go immediately, no questions asked. b) She’d give it a trial period. c) She’d stay home. B 9. Does she ever wear fake: fingernails? lashes? hair? Yes 10. Which of these confessions would she make? a) “I spend too much time emailing or IMing.” b) “I could be nicer to some of my family.” c) “I recently did something very stupid that I now regret.” d) “I’ve bought clothing. changed my mind, left it in my closet, and never worn it.” B.C.D 11. On a free day, she generally: a) Sleeps late b) Gets up at her normal time c) Gets up earlier A 12. How does she feel about her middle name? a) Loves it b)Tolerates it c) Loathes it A 13. Who cuts her hair? Some lady her mom knows 14. Has she ever trimmed: her own hair? someone else’s hair? A pet’s hair? Yes 15. What will she say are her favorite names for children? white names like aiden and stuff 16. Which of these adjectives would she use to describe herself: insecure, stubborn, fun, obsessive, moody, ditzy, reliable, organized, ambitious, sweet STUBBORN FUN RELIABLE 17. How many: scars does she have? TWO pillows does she sleep with? SIX, CDs does she have? LIKE THREE? {Editor’s Note: Ok, so perhaps this is a bit dated.} 18. If a distant relative died and unexpectedly left her a fortune, her first thought would be: a)”Now I can buy whatever I want.” b) “Now I never have to work.” c) “Now I have the freedom to do exactly what I want.” d) “Now I can help out so many people.” B 19. Has she ever: Changed the way she parts her hair? YES Stayed in bed all day even though she wasn’t sick? YES Read an entire book in one day? NO 20. She writes in a journal or blog: a) every day b) every so often c) never EVERY SO OFTEN Howd I do?
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 18:37:35 +0000

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