1) When National took power, they told us stories of doom and - TopicsExpress


1) When National took power, they told us stories of doom and gloom, that due to the recession and other factors there was no money to spend, and it was time we all started learning different ways to cook and eat grass (preferably not using electricity, as the prices were about to go crazy). Then incredibly within months they announced reasonable size tax cuts, mostly benefiting the high income earners. The reason was, the ‘trickle down effect’, which was a surprising reason as most evidence shows the ‘trickle down effect’ simply does not work in regards to fixing a struggling economy. – In summary of reason 1, National told us there was little money, and then proceeded to give what little money there was to the wealthy, who didn’t need it, and left those struggling – still struggling. 2) The ‘lapses of memory’, aka ‘Brainfades’, or as John Key likes to put it ‘I can’t remember’ incidents. These are so numerous I can’t list them here. But as a ‘taster’ we had the casino meetings, the BMWs fiasco, and many others leading through to the ‘I can’t remember’ whether he supported the South African Rugby tour during the apartheid era or whether he was against it. Now it is not my place to state that often people who ‘can’t remember’ certain comments, meetings or other events are more victim to ‘not wanting to remember’ rather than a neurological issue causing memory lapses, but either way I have huge concerns that we have a Prime Minister who struggles with fairly major memory problems running our Country. Also falling into this category are their comments about “Hiring an extra 3000 nurses”, when reality is we have (reportedly) hospitals struggling to fill current vacancies due to lack of funds, while still having around a 1000 unemployed nurses. In other words, maybe if National actually did employ an extra 3000 nurses, they should put them mostly into neurological services, to help them with their ‘brainfades’. 3) Then we have their claims of masterful economic management. I, like many overseas financial experts, am scratching my head with this one. Since National came to power they have tripled overseas debt, which for those with John Key Posters for brains, means they have been borrowing to run the Country since they took power, and still are. This fact of course runs into unusual problems with National’s current fanatical supporters who regularly make comments on this very site, and many others about ‘National has made us debt free’, and ‘National are trying to get us out of all that debt the Labour Party left us with’, and the good old classic ‘National are selling assets to pay off debt. As the Billboards say ‘Yeah, right.’ Now the usual suspects will start with their other usual comments like ‘Heard of the recession’ and ‘Heard of the Christchurch earthquakes’? My answer to that is “Heard of the EQC fund”, and “Heard of cutting costs, not making tax cuts, assisting manufacturers and exporters to sell more to increase the tax take?” 4) The continual unbelievable incompetence of the general management of Governmental Departments. So many examples – which are all almost ignored by the media and the fanatical National Supporters. To start with, Novopay – which yes, is still a nightmare. So far tens of millions of dollars have been given to rather ironically named ‘Talent2′, to supposedly fix the payroll software, that I have heard experts value as ‘about a $1.99 seeing it had hundreds upon hundreds of errors, and still does’. Now the usual suspects will answer to this by saying ‘Labour took out that contract’, but the problem is National still had to sign it off, and sign it off they did, despite being told it was full of hundreds of issues. Now any even half decent business would have given a Software company already paid a reported sum of around $60 million (before the tens of millions of more payments to help ‘fix it’) an order to the company to fix it, or lose the contract and be sued for the payment already made to them, under our very own Consumer Guarantee Act, but nope – National just kept on, and keeps on pumping in millions upon millions into this Aussie owned company. Why? Maybe someone is mates with someone who is mates with someone? Who knows? 5) Then we have the good old State Asset sales, oh let me get that right “Partial Privatisation”, oh boy! This one really puzzles me, that is – it puzzles me why so many are so ‘not very bright’ when it comes to the basics of economics. Now when you have some businesses that are bringing you in regular income, year after year – why would you sell them to get some quick money, and lose 49% of that regular income every year forever? National’s answer to that question raises even more questions, because all in all – they simply ‘told fibs’, or to be charitable ‘got confused’. To start with they ‘poo poo’d’ the losing income comments by saying ‘we will be paying off debt, so that is much less interest we will pay, so that is why losing that income is negated’. Unfortunately the voters, even their own fanatical ones, didn’t really like that idea that much, so they started changing the answer to the good old favourite vote securing one of ‘We are using that money to build schools and hospitals’. So – you are losing regular income forever, income that could have been used to build schools and hospitals again and again, because you need quick easy money to build schools and hospitals? Um, eh? Yet again, my concern is that National’s fanatical supporters just say in reply ‘yeah, see, they know what they are doing’. Sigh. 6) You will be glad to know this is my last, though definitely not my least reason why I will not vote National this election. Their arrogance, and their ignorance. Their arrogance is demonstrated in the debating chamber each and every day that it is in action. Have a listen to them yourself. They almost never answer valid questions and concerns put to them, in a serious way. At least 75% (OK,I am estimating here) of the time they answer serious questions by simply making jokes or belittling the person or party who asks the question. I still remember Key giving the ‘cut throat’ like gesture in Parliament, and getting away with it! I also have firmly embedded in my memory, Key telling everyone he was only selling these assets, because “There is nothing else left worth selling”. Now how less patriotic, less reassuring, less proud a comment could a leader of a Country make, and get away with it. But he did, always has, probably will continue to. Their ignorance is demonstrated by being determined to pour money into Auckland and (admittedly needed) Christchurch, and ignore other centres. Despite Auckland bursting at its seams, Christchurch facing at least another 15 years of rebuilding work – they seem determined to cram more people into them, rather than fund other centres to build more businesses and attract people to them. Why? Because nearly 50% of the vote, is in Auckland and Canterbury – so make them happy, and face a greater chance of winning the election. So what now? Now the usual fanatical National supporters will start with their ‘leftie’ ‘bludger’ and ‘labour supporter’ comments, and little else. Meanwhile tens of thousands more will fall into poverty, house prices and electricity prices will skyrocket even more, the health and education sectors will continue to fall into disarray, and John Key will have more ‘brainfades’. So who should you vote for? Simple really, vote for a party that has policies that will benefit most, rather than just the wealthy and associates of large corporations, which is the population currently ‘owning’ the National Gov’t. Personally I like NZ First, their policies are sound, and they have everyone’s interests at heart. You, make your own mind up, but don’t simply ‘vote National’ because the ‘Snobalot’s down the streetare, or because Mummy and Daddy always do. If you do, you may go down in history as one of ‘those’ who put in place a Government for a third term, who all but destroyed NZ’s future of being a decent, successful, and caring country to live in.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 11:02:25 +0000

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