1. Which Sura was revealed last? Nasr 2. How many women - TopicsExpress


1. Which Sura was revealed last? Nasr 2. How many women mentioned in Quran by name? 1 3. On what Surah Prophet said she heart Quran? Yasin 4. Which Surah will intercede in grave during its reading? Al-Mulk 5. Prophet Muhammad said: Whoever read this surah, read a third Quran. About what Sura talking about? Ikhlas 6. What is one of the sacred scriptures? The Koran, the Torah, the Gospel, Psalms and scrolls 7. Prophet Muhammad said: Whoever will read this surah every day it will not affect the need and poverty. About what Sura talking about? Falling 8. What is the longest verse in Quran? In sura Cow verse 282 of debt 9. Which sura were revealed by witchcraft? Dawn and People 10. What is called in the Quran and drink, and medicine? Honey 11. The one hundred fourteen verses of the Quran but one does not begin with the words With the name of Allah, the Merciful, Merciful. About what Sura talking about? About sura Repentance (At-Tauba) 12. Which suras or verses called Meccan and Medinan? To Hijra Meccan and after Medina 13. Allah said in the Holy Quran: O Prophet! Why do you forbid myself that allowed you to Allah seeking to please your wives? That The Prophet forbade himself? Honey 14. The Koran mentions that wife two prophets will be in hell. Whom exactly do you mean? About wives Prophet Nuh (Noah) and Prophet Lut (Lot) 15. The Prophet Muhammad said: no turn your home into cemeteries, Satan truly escapes the house in which Surah read .....? What kind of Sura was said? Bacharach 16. How many verses in the Quran? 6236 17. Which sura is called the mother Quran? Fatiha 18. At what time of the Caliph was gathered together the Quran? Abu Bakr 19. Which sura read Ibn Masud when first came to call polytheists? Arrohman 20. Imam ash-Shafii said: If This was revealed one sura, it would be enough for people to ... Sura what is it? Asr 21. Which sura read every Friday? Kahf 22. Surah read what Umar bin Khattab accepted Islam? Taha 23. Which verse read Abu Bakr Umar bin Khattab after death Prophet? 144. Muhammad is just Messenger. Before him, were also messengers. Really, if he dies or is killed, you turn around? 24. The Quran has a verse ... O my father! I saw eleven stars, the sun and the moon. I saw how they worshiped me . Who appealed to his father? Yusuf 25. What is the plant mentioned in the Quran as food inhabitants of Hell? Zaqqum 26. Name sura title insects? Ants, Spider, Bee 27. Allah told the Prophet, He frowned and turned away ... Who was the man because of that, The Prophet frowned and turned away? Abdullah bin Umm Maktoum 28. The Prophet said: He who learns the first 10 verses of this surah, Allah save it from Dajjal. About what Sura talking about? Kahf • HADITH: 1. The Prophet Muhammad said: The best of you is the one who studies Quran .... Continue hadith? And ... teach it to others 2. Prophet said: Three signs of hypocrisy, if telling the truth, do not keep promises, and ... Continue? breaking the contract 3. What was the first temptation sons of Israil (Israel) according to hadith narrated by Muslim? Women 4. The Prophet said: Religion is manifestation of sincerity. We asked: To whom? He said ... continue? By towards Allah, and His Books, and His Messenger, and to the rulers Muslims and all Muslims general 5. Prophet said, Not one who is strong many wins, but he is strong ... continue? Who is able to contain his anger 6. Prophet said: Two words are loved Gracious, light on the tongue and heavy on the scales ... What? Subhanallavabihamdihi subhanallahilazym 7. According to a hadith, when a person dies all his deeds are terminated except 3? for sadaqah Jar (Continuous charity) Helpful knowledge, which he handed to people and child who followed him will read dua 8. In one hadith the Prophet said ... Do not you like to indicate that, at means that youll love each other? Advised that the Prophet? Spread the salaam. 9 Hadith: A woman is like a rib ... continue? If you try it straighten it will break 10. Reported that Abu Huraira said: My most beloved friend (The Prophet) advised me to do three things, which I will not give up his death. (He advised I) to fast for three days monthly, to make additional morning / spirit / prayer and ... continue? bed (only) after the Witr 11. The Prophet said about prayer, this Prayer is best that there is in this ground. What kind of prayer is it? Sunnah before Fajr 12. Reported from her mothers words Faithful Aisha, may it be Allah pleased with her, that (once) it said: O Messenger of Allah, we believe the best thing jihad so do not take for us to participate in it? The Prophet said: No! Well jihad for you is ...? perfect Hajj 13. The Prophet said: If I had not afraid that my Ummah will it difficult, Id ordered it to do before each prayer, What is it? Sivak 14. The Prophet said: With three non- speak Allah the Day of Resurrection, do not look at them and purify them, and in store for them a painful punishment. lower (edge clothes to the ground), to reproach (Their deeds people) and ... Continue? sell to using false oaths 15. Who was the associate, who gave more than all hadith? Abu Hurayrah 16. According to a hadith in the grave person will be two angels. Call their names? Munkar and Nakeer 17. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: Most of all, I fear that youll be amazed small polytheism What meant the Prophet? window dressing 18. The Prophet said: Do not envy anyone except two, a man whom Allah has taught Quran and who reads it at night and day and? ... The person whom Allah bestowed wealth and that uses it properly 19. The Messenger of Allah was asked: What income is the best? What the Prophet said? Those people that earned their hands 20. The Prophet passed by two graves said: These two people do not get punished for major sins For what sins they received the punishment? Do not spray nadzhasa beware, spreading gossip 21. The Messenger of Allah said: Let one of you who see blameworthy, change ITS own ... supplement hadith? if he does not can (do) this (even change it) with his tongue, and if he can not (and this), then - your heart, and it will weakest (manifestation) of faith. (Muslim.) 22. Nearly all collections of Hadith start with this hadith. About what hadith in question? Hadith of Intent 23. In a hadith says that Prophet freed from slavery and gave her Safiya as dowry ... What he gave her? Freedom 24. The Messenger of Allah said: In stomach (a man) who drinking from a silver vessel, will be ... What will happen? dinning flames of Hell! 25. Messenger of Allah said: A sign of a good confession Islam is a man of his refusal what ... the rejection of what? did not Regarding 26. Abdullah bin Umar said that the Messenger of Allah took me by the shoulders and said: Be in this world (so) if you ... Continue? outlander or traveler 27. Allaha Messenger said: Verily, the people came to the first words of the prophecy (the following): if you feel no shame, then ... continue? do what you want 28. The Messenger of Allah said: Let he who believes in Allah and the Last day, says good or silent, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day, has respect for his neighbor, and let him who believes in Allah and the The last day ... Continue? well takes his guest • The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). 1. How many times angels were dissected breast prophet? 4 2. Participated in several battles The Messenger of Allah? 9 3. Which battle wounded prophet and broke a tooth? Uhud 4. What did the prophet in the first place upon arrival in Medina? Built a mosque 5. How old was the Prophet when he first went to Sham with his uncle Abu Talib? 12 6. As called cave in which Prophet loved to retire? Hira 7. Name the names of the children of the Prophet? Qasim, Abdullah Ibrahim, Zeinab Fatima Rukaiya, Umm Kulthum 8. How old is called a prophet in Mecca is hidden? 3 years 9. Who is the most number of Muhammads relatives tried prevent it? Abu Lahab 10. Why given year called year tribulation? Death Khadija and Abu Talib 11. Who was the animal in which The Prophet was moved from Mecca to Al-Aqsa? Burak 12. As called cave in which the Prophet Abu Bakr hid from mushrikeen? Saur 13. As promised polytheists whoever catches the Prophet? 100 camels 14. Which food Jew added poison to poison the Prophet? Scapula lamb 15. How many times the Prophet made Hajj? 1 16. How many times the Prophet made die? April 17. As the Prophet called the first mosque in Medina? Cuba 18. Which Cunha was the Prophet? AbulKasim 19. As referred to the Prophet of Islam? Amin Sadiq (Honest, Truthful) 20. How was the last instruction of the Prophet Muhammad? Its words: Prayer, prayer and take care of their slaves 21. How old was the prophet Muhammad, when his mother died? 6 years 22. When was the Prophet Muhammad? 22 April 571 AD 23. How many years have been married Prophet Muhammad and Khadijah? 24 24. When the Prophet Muhammad and the rest of the Muslims was obliged to commit five daily prayers? During Night Journey (E `raj) 25. How the Prophets uncle took Islam? 2 26. Who went with the Prophet Khadija after seeing Gabriel? What was his name? Waraqa ibn Nawfal 27. Who was the monk who Abu Talib said that Muhammad is a prophet? Bahira 28. Who Prophet stopped when only stopped in Medina? Abu Ayyub al-Ansari • PROPHETS: 1. Who brought the news of the Queen of Sheba Prophet Suleiman? Hoopoe 2. Which prophet swallowed Keith? Yunus 3. Which of the prophets have been sent in the form of long-term test disease? Ayub 4. How craft owned prophet Idris? Portnoy 5. Which prophet was sent camel? Salih 6. How old prophet Yusuf spent dungeon? 7 years 7. Which of the prophets was the Noble (the good kind)? Yusuf 8. Who was the first of the prophets, who wrote the word Bismillyahirrohmanirrohim? Suleiman 9. Which prophet was sent to the people Hood? Aditya 10. Who was the father of Yusuf? Jakub 11. At what age Ibrahim died? 175 12. Which prophet Allah sent in Sodom and Gomorrah? Loot 13. As the children were treated with Yakub his brother Yusuf? Thrown in well 14. Who was the mother of Ishmael? Hajar 15. Whom was sent Prophet Salih? Samuditam 16. Which of the prophets was a blacksmith? Dowd 17. How craft owned Prophet Nuh? Carpenter 18. Which day prophet Adam went in heaven? Friday 19. Which of the family Nuh Allah drowned in water? His wife and son 20. How the bill was the son Prophet Yusuf? 11 21. From whom was the army Suleiman? Jinn, humans, birds 22. Name what the prophet means He will live? Yahya 23. Which animal feared Prophet Yaqub, which can harm his son Yusuf? Wolf 24. Name five great prophets? Nuh, Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad 25. The name of any prophet is connected appearance of Zamzam? Ismail 26. Under what plant refuge Yunus after released from belly of the whale? Pumpkin 27. The story of what the Prophet of Allah named in the Quran the most beautiful? Yusuf 28. Which prophet was sent down hymnal? • Dowd companion of Prophet Mohammed 1. How old was the Caliph Abu Bakr? 2 years 2. Who fathered the Prophet? Zeid bin Haris 3. Due to the death of any associate rocked the throne of God? due to Sad bin death Muaadh 4. Who was the scribe of the Prophet Muhammad? Abdullah bin Rawaha 5. Who called Sword of Allah? Khalid bin Walid 6. During that one of the companions received kunyu Abu Huraira? He kitten was 7. Who called the Lion of Allah? Hamza 8. Who was the Ethiopian slave, killed Hamza? Vahshi 9. How old was the Caliph Umar bin Khattab? 10 10. Who was the first preacher in Islam sent to Medina? Musab ibn Umeyr 11. Who was the associate parents he and his children who were associates (3 generations)? Abu Bakr 12. Which woman in the history of Islam became the first martyr who died for faith? Sumaya bint Hayyat 13. What was the name of an associate prophet who enjoyed his special trust? Hudhayfah Ibn Yaman 14. How old was when Abu Bakr he died? 63 15. Who killed Umar Ibn al-Khattab? Iranian slave named Abu Lu `and` any 16. Who in the history of Islam was the first man who used e-mail? Umar Ibn al-Khattab 17. The first of the men who believed in Prophet Muhammad? Abu Bakr as-Siddiq 18. Who was the first ambassador to Islam? Uthman Ibn Affan 19. Who was the first born associate after resettlement Medina? Abdullah bin Zubair 20. Who was Zubayr bin Awwam Prophet Muhammad? once removed brother 21. The women who first believed in Prophet Muhammad? Khadijah bint Huvaylid 22. Who suggested the Prophet order women to wear hijab? Umar bin Khattab 23. Which of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad was known as the best interpreter of the Koran? Abdullah Ibn Abbas 24. Who is the head of the fallen for faith? Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib 25. Whom will continue to call first muazzinom in Islam until Day of Resurrection? Bilal Ibn Rabah 26. Which Caliph became a builder first Islamic fleet? Uthman Ibn Affan 27. Who first caliph in Islam announced conscription? Umar Ibn al-Khattab, 28. Who served the prophet Muhammad, a provision similar to position when Haruna Musa? Ali Ibn Abu Talib
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 23:14:43 +0000

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