1. While fasting. 2. In the last portion of the night.(tahajud - TopicsExpress


1. While fasting. 2. In the last portion of the night.(tahajud time) 3. After every fard/compulsory namaaz 4. Whilst it is raining 5. After the tilawat/recitation of the Quraan 6. between the 2 qutbas on jumua day 7. Before the jumua salaah starts A Dua Made between the Adhan and the Iqamah.... Hazrat Anas ibne Malik (RA) narrates that Rasul Allah (SAW) said: A Dua made between the Adhan and the Iqamah is never rejected. The Sahabah asked; what Dua should we make, O Rasul Allah (SAW)? He (SAW) replied; Ask Allah for Afiyah (well being) in this world and in the Hereafter. [Tirmidhi :3594] ♦ The Dua Made At Tahajjud Is Like An Arrow Which Does Not Miss Its Target♦Imam Ash-Shafii(Rahimahullaah)WAYS ON GETTING YOUR DUAS GRANTED 1. Always have full faith in Allah and do all ibadath for his pleasure only 2. When making dua to Allah sayYA ALLAH ACCEPT MY DUA WITH THE WASEELA OF MUHAMMED(SAW) 3.Give thanx to Allah for what he has given you and he will give you more Insha Allah! 4.Beg Allah with his 99names or isme azam or dua asma-al-husna,which is very effective 5.Make istagfaar to Allah or ask for forgiveness with sincerity and try to refrain from sins 6.Read atleast 3 durood shareef when beggining dua and ending 7.Make dua for your parents which is very important 8.Make dua with alot of feeling.Tear and cry in your duas,if this not posible then make like u tearing and beg Allah for what you desire 9.Praise and glorify Allah and reading surah Fatiha is very effective too 10.Try to remember Allah all the time and not only when in need and distress. 11. After making dua/prayer read ya Wahaabo 7 times - Insha Allah it will be granted!
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 02:01:36 +0000

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