#1) Worth the read assuming youre willing to become personally - TopicsExpress


#1) Worth the read assuming youre willing to become personally enraged at the failure of the Department of Justice and the US Government. #2) What I want is someone to provide me with a tangible action that I can personally take to do something, however small, about this sort of thing. Im pretty peeved right now... here goes my attempt at an articulated rant... One of the biggest problems with our representative democracy is that every couple years, Im forced to choose from between 1 - 3 people to fill the roles that have the power and authority to affect these sorts of things, but I know that none of those individuals proffered as candidates have any intention of pursuing my desired course of action. Occupy Wall Street tried to use grassroots democracy do something about it, but in the end the movement ended up being demonized and ridiculed. On one hand you had the systems efforts to sweep the protest aside and restore order without addressing the concerns being demonstrated over; on the other hand you had a lack of clarity that began to grow as the ranks of demonstrators grew and started filling with a lowest common denominator of dudes wearing hemp clothing and playing in a drum circle and relieving themselves in public. Once that happened, the mission became muddled, and their chances of actually achieving anything was lost. And the saddest thing about it is that, as this excellent article clearly points out, our government had the power, authority, and information to hold responsible those directly complicit in the most egregious financial crimes in history, and they simply *CHOSE* not to. We didnt need occupy wall street. We didnt need public outrage or an entire national movement. We just needed a handful of elected public servants to actually do their f#@%ing jobs. Hey Obama... you still have 2 years left in your presidency. How about you help take spur action here in a way that will leave us remembering this truly good thing that you did during your 8 years running this country. That would be nice. Its why we elected you. #somebodydosomething #somebodytellmewhattodo
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 22:59:43 +0000

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