1. Write on a wall instead of communicating privately. We are a - TopicsExpress


1. Write on a wall instead of communicating privately. We are a voyeuristic society. People love the idea that others are watching what they’re doing. If you have something private to say, don’t do it on a Facebook wall.| 2. Use Facebook mail instead of e-mail. If you have someone’s e-mail, use it. If you send someone a message through Facebook, he or she has to log into real e-mail, then log into his or her Facebook account to read and reply to your message. Skip the middleman and e-mail directly. 3. Write senseless status updates. Do I really need to know you just ate three tacos for lunch? Do I really need to know your cat just coughed up a hairball the size of its head? No. If your Facebook page is used to connect with customers, keep it professional. 4. Add, and then forget old friends. It happens all too often. You haven’t seen someone since high school. You vaguely recognize their name on Facebook but not their face. They add you as a friend, and then after you accept them, you never hear from them again. 5. Add people you don’t even know. Why would you become “friends” with someone you don’t even know? Why would you want this person to see what you’re writing about your family? Make sure there’s some connection when you add someone as a friend. 6. Add self-serving friends. Make sure you’re not just adding someone who will do nothing but make a sales pitch to you. Conversely, don’t be the “salesperson” everyone avoids. 7. Update your Facebook profile after you’ve called in sick. If you tell the boss you’re sick, don’t update your Facebook profile about how great “Avatar” was or how nice it was at the beach. Hmmmm … maybe you shouldn’t add your boss as a “friend” at all. 8. Use your Facebook status to air grievances. If you’ve got something to say to someone, say it. Don’t post it on your wall. Not everyone is interested in your private life … or who was right or wrong in an argument. 9. Upload drunken pictures the morning after. Have a little common sense. If you party on Friday night, don’t post photos on Saturday for the world to see. Remember earlier when we talked about your boss seeing your page? Not only can your boss see what you did, so can your coworkers and customers. The problem with this post is that people who should read this, wont...
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 22:27:18 +0000

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