1 __________ refers to people who work together to achieve a - TopicsExpress


1 __________ refers to people who work together to achieve a set of goals. A) Intellectual capital B) Virtual teams C) Grafting D) Organizations E) Open managers 2 The study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations is called organizational behavior. A) True B) False 3 Which of these is(are) the main reason(s) for studying organizational behavior? A) Understand organizational events B) Influence organizational events C) Predict organizational events D) All of these E) A and c only 4 According to research, organizational behavior deals with understanding, predicting, and influencing the behavior of others. Therefore, this knowledge is not for everyone, but just for managers. A) True B) False 5 All of these are emerging trends in organizational behavior except which one? A) The changing workforce B) Emerging employment relationships C) Globalization D) Business ethics E) Command and control structure 6 With its universal appeal and value, organizational practices in the U.S. are acceptable and applicable globally. A) True B) False 7 Which of these is true? A) Globalization as an emerging trend in OB refers to using U.S. businesses as an exclusive role models of effective organizations. B) Minorities represent over three-quarters of the American workforce. C) One of the emerging employment relationships is contingent work. D) Given the emerging trend in telecommuting, managers must learn to evaluate employees for their face time and not simply results. E) There is a growing trend toward individualism, moving away from teams in organizations. 8 The Hispanic population is now one of the fastest-growing groups in the United States, and within the next decade, will replace African Americans as the second largest ethnic grouping. A) True B) False 9 Which of these is one of the fastest-growing groups in the United States and will soon replace African Americans as the second largest ethnic grouping? A) Hispanic B) Indian C) Chinese D) Australian E) Korean 10 Which of these groups now represents nearly 50 percent of the paid workforce? A) Generation-X employees B) Women C) Asians D) African American males E) The Hispanic population 11 In which way do employers need to adjust to emerging workforce expectations? A) Replace command-and-control leadership with empowerment. B) Emphasize individualized work modules instead of work teams. C) Replace English with Spanish as official language. D) Reduce the number of work hours and offer more leisure time. E) Emphasize more face time instead of virtual work. 12 Any job in which the individual does not have an explicit or implicit contract for long-term employment or the one in which minimum hours of work can vary in a non-systematic way is called A) Generation-X preference. B) outsourcing. C) telecommuting. D) contingent work. E) grafting. 13 Cross functional teams that operate across space, time, and organizational boundaries with members who communicate mainly through electronic technologies are referred to as A) network organization teams. B) open systems. C) virtual teams. D) independent teams. E) knowledge management teams. 14 __________ refers to an alliance of several organizations for the purpose of creating a product or serving a client. A) Emerging organization B) Virtual organization C) Contingency organization D) Social organization E) Network organization 15 Political science contributed ideas regarding power and politics in organizations, whereas anthropology has mainly helped us to understand organizational culture. A) True B) False 16 All of these are conceptual anchors of organizational behavior except ________ anchor. A) globalization B) contingency C) multidisciplinary D) open system E) multiple levels of analysis 17 _________ have contributed the most to current OB knowledge. A) Anthropology and Information Systems B) Economics and Communications C) Political Science and Womens Studies D) Industrial Engineering and Psychology E) Psychology and Sociology 18 The scientific method anchor states that a particular action may have different consequences in different situations. A) True B) False 19 Which of these refers to a set of principles and procedures that help researchers to systematically understand previously unexplained events and conditions? A) The social responsibility B) Organizational behavior C) The open system anchor D) The scientific method E) The contingency anchor 20 Which of these best reflect the contingency approach? A) Face-time B) It depends C) Employability D) Grafting E) Open system 21 Organizational events are usually studied from the following three common levels of analysis: A) team, competitive, organizational. B) organizational, competitive, individual. C) individual, competitive, team. D) team, individual, organizational. E) organizational, governmental, global. 22 _________ means that organizations consist of interdependent parts that work together to continually monitor and transact with the external environment. A) Open systems B) Contingency anchor C) Network organization D) Closed systems E) Virtual teams 23 Intellectual capital is the sum of which of these capitals? A) Suppliers, competitors, and employees B) Employees, customers, and competitors C) Human, structural, and customers D) Competitors, special interest groups, and employees E) Contingent workers, Full-time workers, and transitional workers 24 Which of these refers to the process of acquiring knowledge by hiring individuals or buying entire companies? A) Environmental scanning B) Grafting C) Communities of practice D) Organizational learning E) Employability 25 Knowledge mapping identifies what knowledge is important for the delivery of a product or service, and directs us to where this knowledge may be found. A) True B) False
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 05:36:46 +0000

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