1 day each year we pause to remember and honor those who served - TopicsExpress


1 day each year we pause to remember and honor those who served in the military. Veterans Day is always on November 11th not on a Monday to give ourselves a 3 day weekend. 4 score & 16 years ago at 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 World War 1 was finally over. Armistice Day. After WW2 November 11th was known as Veterans Day and in 1954 it was officially renamed Veterans Day. We honor the fallen on Memorial Day. On Veterans Day we acknowledge the service & sacrifice of everyone who served our country. All members of our Armed Forces make sacrifices. the Wounded Warriors the Paralyzed Veterans of America the Disabled Veterans of America those with the invisible scars of PTSD every person who serves makes sacrifices even those who make it back home in one piece because life goes on here at home while they serve. Those on Active Duty miss important moments of life the birth of a child a child’s 1st day of school a sons 1st touchdown or 1st home run they might miss grandpas last deer season or their daughters 1st dance. And they miss countless other things such as anniversaries, birthdays, & holidays. Life goes on here at home while they serve. Families make sacrifices everyday with anxiety worn like an itchy sweater they worry about the safety & well being of their service member because too many come home permanently scarred or in a flag covered coffin. Veterans are proud of their service to the country They signed up for it. They help us appreciate what America stands for. Washington politicians need to stand up for our Veterans. Freedom is the greatest possession of mankind and it’s worth fighting for. We sleep safe from foreign enemies & have freedom for the pursuit of happiness because people choose to serve in our Armed Forces. Freedom has never been, nor will it ever be free. The Declaration of Independence did not set us free on the 4th of July in 1776. Freedom fighters & defenders of liberty fought and died for 12 years to make us free. And freedom fighters and defenders of liberty are still fighting and dying to keep us free. Our foreign policy is often debated but nobody can deny that our Armed Forces are the best in the world. No matter where they serve they get the job done. They also serve here at home after Mother Nature has brutalized our homeland with floods or tornadoes. We appreciate our Guard and Reserve Units. Patriots appreciate and admire our Armed Forces and we always fly the Flag on Military holidays. On Memorial Day we reverently fly our flag at half staff in remembrance of those who died in the line of duty. On Veterans Day we proudly & gallantly fly our flag to honor ALL who served their duty. Our Flag is sacred to us, its a symbol of what is good. It stands for freedom & liberty & justice for all. The red stripes are a tribute to the blood of the patriots and pioneers who fought & toiled to claim & tame this land & a tribute to the blood of those who have died defending freedom ever since then. The white stripes symbolize the purity of our founding principles life liberty & the pursuit of happiness. The stars on our flag represent the new constellation that was formed when America declared Independence and the American Spirit was born. There are some things we still believe in and will always believe in. There are still some undeniable truths. We believe in justice & the right of it. We believe in goodness & the might of it. We face any challenge with courage because theres joy & pride in it. We extend a helping hand & offer words of cheer. Hope, faith & patriotism are very dear to us. Freedom is very clear to us. This is the American Spirit. Life goes on here in America thanks to those on Active Duty and thanks to our Veterans. Today our great and grateful nation says Thank you and God Bless You. shawn harper 2014 Veterans Day speech..
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 17:36:46 +0000

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