1 full name: Addison Hope Gazzillo 2 zodiac sign: cancer >_< 3 - TopicsExpress


1 full name: Addison Hope Gazzillo 2 zodiac sign: cancer >_< 3 three fears: clowns snakes and probably insidious characters! 4 three things i love: my famiy, my friends, and my bunny! 5 my best friend(s): Karly Sochacki and Gabby Camarillo 6 last song i listened to: steven by jake miller 7 four turn ons: blue eyes, smile, personality, and hair 8 four turn offs: being mean, thinks they can get anyone thats it 9 favorite number: 16!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 how many piercings do i have: 1 in each ear! 11 the reason why i joined fb: i wanted to be like my sister 12 how i feel right now: bored clearly 13 something i really really want: nothing im perfectly fine! 14 my current relationship status: single pringle! 15 something u dispise: school -_- 16 my favorite movie: i have too many to decide! 17 my favorite song: hmm probably roar 18 favorite bands: hmm dont really have one used to be 1D 19 three things that upset me: liars, bullies, and thats it 20 three things that makes me happy: friends, unicorns, and rainbows:) 21 what i find attrractive: eyes 22 someone i miss: my grandpa 23 someone i love: nosy much? 24 my relationship with my parents: fine 25 my favorite holiday: christmas! 26 closest guy friend: maybe donny? idk 27 celebrity id date: harry styles 28 a confession: ahaha..... no -_- 29 three things that annoy me, my sister pushy people and repetive talkers 30 favorite animals: cats bunnies 31 my pets: bunny!!!!! 32 one thing i lied about: i didnt take the dollar 33 somethings that worries me: hakuna matata! it means no worries 34 an embarressing moment: i had gaterade spilled on me 35 where i work: haha ur funny 36 something thats always on my mind: a guy 37 my habbits: i used to bite my nails not anymore 38 future goals: be happy with my life! 39 something i fantasize about: -_- 40 lol are u still reading? 41 favorite foods: sweets 42 what i did yesterday: absolutley nothing 43 something im talented at: nothing... 44 my idea of a perfect date jusyt being ourselves and having fun 45 favorite celebrity crushes: harry styles and liam payne 46 a photo of myself: i have many on here 47 do i have crushes: yessss 48 number of kids i want: 3? 49 do i smoke/drink: eww no! nasty 50: if u read all of this ur my hero
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 02:40:44 +0000

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