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1 of 185 Why this ad? Cheap Non-GMO Food Supply - Crisiseducation - Video reveals cheap trick to nearly unlimited non-gmo food supply Print all In new window The Houdini Lost Vault Theory truth. Inbox x Norman Bigelow 10:55 AM (2 minutes ago) to me The Houdini Lost Vault 11/9/2013 by Norman Bigelow EM Please note this is my only official statement and I signed the original to prevent altered copies! In writing this I know there will be questions but I am not going to answer most questions especially names involved but I will take a lie detector test on the truthfulness of statements made should I be challenged to do so. This entire thing was a monumental cover up right up to the police and above. This is from notes I wrote the day after the break-in as told by someone involved and I believe I know that for a fact. There are different powerful parties that want first sights on any material if a vault is found. There could be information on mediums that some spiritualist might want to block even if that medium is dead because they leech off the false reputation of these mediums to push their religion. Also Houdini’s own lawyer Bernard Ernst said he had files on mediums, investigators and magicians back to their day of birth. That all makes sense when you think of what one high ranking official of a magic society said to me about The Lost Vault. He said, “Mr. Bigelow if there is a lost vault what makes you think we want to find it?” Very strange remark for a magician unless Houdini left behind something that some doesn’t want out. Houdini expert Melbourne Christopher told the press, “We have looked into the vault before and there is no fact to the theory.” The point is that it has been looked into, magician Larry Weeks who claims he doesn’t believe in the vault spent time himself checking for it and even metal detectors have been used. This same Larry Weeks my friend and still is (rest in peace) is the one who got the ball rolling and told the police that morning he believed I did it. That is a whole other story. I am not trying to convince anyone there is a lost vault but I am trying to show there is an un-natural control over Houdini’s grave and the vault theory itself. I am not talking about supernatural control I am talking about human powers that are very powerful and veiled from the view of most. I have been studying the monument since the early 70’s and taking readings of certain events and reactions of people toward those events. It is very much like safe manipulation. First the safe manipulator takes readings or notices changes when the dial is set on certain numbers. They take notice of any indications of change as they manipulate which leads them to the exact numbers. Through these readings a picture evolves that is not visible to the un-trained eye. It is those unusual readings I want to call your attention to in relation to the lost vault theory. In a free country it is astounding that early on people were trying to tell me that I could not believe in the vault theory. From talking to old timers I am convinced quite a few people over the years tried to find this vault. I personally believe the government has interest in it. If it exists there are people who want it found but there are some magicians who do not want this missing material ever found for many reasons. Some don’t like the fact Houdini can get more publicity in death that they can get in life. There are a lot of hidden or veiled feelings on this subject. In April of 1975 papers ran accounts of what they called vandalism at Houdini’s grave and claimed it was a random act and that was a made up story, the random part. This was far from random it was a tear in the cover of something that had been going on for years and that some did not want out. The afternoon before the event one party called and told me they were at the grave checking things over. I relayed that to two historians and told them something was going down and they seemingly sat on it but in reality they made some powerful contacts to control it all. This information comes direct from someone involved and three witnesses but there were quite a few more that I could not contact. It was a party of four who arrived at the low side of the fence three hours later than planned which caused a time problem. They did not arrive until three in the morning. Two people got out of the car and one had a sledge hammer. Now here is the part that shows me the fix with in. Two police officers pulled up and saw the party of people. They did nothing and drove away. The un-concerned two people outside the car went over the fence and the in the car drove to the front gate and parked as a look out. They worked for a while but could not get to the area they wanted two. Someone else from the car joined but the sun was starting to come up plus they needed more specialized tools. During the time they were working there were a group of people watching over a fence from another grave yard. Some one was tipped off and I am sure if they did find a vault they would have never got out of the grave yard with it’s contents. It is very possible film of this exist. This was strange for all concerned because the sound of the hammer could be heard all over and there were houses in the back area. No one challenged them, the police never returned and no one was ever questioned at the spot. When they were getting ready to leave all the lights in a building in the other cemetery started to flash as if some sort of signal. They had to leave the sun was coming up and traffic was picking up. The following morning I received a phone call from a Queens’s detective wanting to know where I was at three in the morning. One of questions was did I know of escape artist who hated magicians and was there an organizations? That question showed me he was in contact with some magicians. Of course there are some escape artist who don’t like magicians that is an individual thing but there is no organization. At the time I was on the phone my house was surrounded by at least 30 cars with New York plates. They were in front of my house on Arlington St and in back of my house on Goddard St. So I tried to call a detective I knew and this was on a week day. Let me inject this to the blowhards in magic who say this did not happen and have no knowledge of the subject I will submit to polygraph, truth serum or voice stress test anytime and if I pass you pay the bill. I will also be tested on how I know the FBI has hand written letters that were written by Harry Houdini but I will only speak if I am tested. Unless you think I am so skilled I can beat all these test go for it. These letters are not available under the freedom of information act but I have seen proof they exist. When I phoned the Fitchburg Police I asked for a detective. The officer on the phone said all our detectives are off today and we will send the officer you want to speak with. The officer arrived and said what’s up Norm? I said do you think my street is crowded with New York cars and he said yes I do. Then he said they want a re-traction in the papers about a lost vault. In other words say there is not one. I smiled and said I would never do that. He replied, do you think your doing right? I said, “yes “and he said, “We don’t get into these things” and wished me good luck and then he left. This is exactly what happened. I have offered to be tested on this so put up or shut up! Not Long after this I was contacted about the vault and the murder theory and told some like the Houdini story just like it is and if I kept it up I would be buried under the monument with Houdini. I have already proved there has been cover up in the Houdini story because I proved Houdini called the Bible deception and still as you read this you will find it in no history books today except in my works, “The Original Houdini Murder Theory” along with proof of Houdini’s own statements which helped seal his fate.. It is very possible Houdini hid records because of the explosive material in them and we know for a FACT a lot is missing. It is very possible Houdini left these records behind. I do not believe he would trust any magic society with it since he knew what really goes on in them. (BS and politics) But if he did put it in care of a magical organization they could have hid it buy simply denying that it ever existed. Even records of vaults may contain deception. According to the book “A Mind In Chains” a bust like Houdini’s is not allowed in a Jewish cemetery yet there it sits. Houdini had his way with lots of things, so even records could be changed or fixed. The more I have seen the reaction to the vault theory the more I Believe. Every true blooded knows if Houdini hid there files which caused death threats he wanted us to find them. I do not believe in the nay-sayers because I have had a life time of them being wrong on subject after. There was one more interesting attempted in the 80’s as a test and this is another interesting story. Houdini’s biographer Walter B. Gibson said it best, “The only thing you can be sure of with Houdini is that you can’t be sure of anything.”
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 16:00:18 +0000

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