10/03/2014. MONDAY TOPIC: DO YOU BELIEVE THE BIBLE IS THE ONLY WOEF OF GOD? TEXT:All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. - 2 Timothy 3:16-17 The following statement of belief is held by our church and many others: The Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God to reveal God and His will to man. The Bible has God as its author, salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture of error. The Bible is the sole authority for Christian living. So, why is it that we believe so deeply in the Bible as the Word of God? Let me share with you some of the most meaningful reasons for me: Did you know that the phrase, Thus saith the Lord, appears over 2,000 times in the Old Covenant? God is speaking. This is the written Word of God! The Bible was written over 1600 years by about 40 different writers, but has a single theme and author (the Lord). Though at first read, some things look contradicting, when we accept Christ, the Holy Spirit gives us understanding of how it all fits together. No group of mortals could possibly produce such a book. You can study a passage that you’ve known all your life and one day, the Holy Spirit gives you fresh insight. There is an inexhaustible richness about the Scripture that is unlike any other book. Do you realize that the Bible applies to any race, any tribe, any ethnic group, and to any age group? Its application is universal! Now, all through history, there have been archaeologists who arrogantly uncover things in the Middle East and say, This obviously proves the Bible is wrong. And then they keep digging to lower layers, and say, Whoa! The Bible was obviously right. There are so many more reasons, and I don’t have the space to write them. But you do. How about clicking the COMMENT button and listing some of your own? PRAYER 1. Thank you Lord for the gift of life. 2. Thank for your living word that has been sent to us. 3. I believe everything in the Bible and I know they are all working for my good. 4. Pray for your family. 5. Pray for peace in ukraine. 6. Prophecy into your day. READING THROUGH THE BIBLE: 1 CORINTHIANS 4-6
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 05:53:04 +0000

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