10/09/14 7:01pm I’ve been waiting for this moment…Adam is very - TopicsExpress


10/09/14 7:01pm I’ve been waiting for this moment…Adam is very aware and lucid this evening. I told him how proud I am of him, how strong he is, and how well he is progressing. I told him about his friend who, because of Adam’s strength and courage, has finally spoken to his father after 10 years. I told him again about his FB page, and his 10,450 Prayer Warriors, some of whom have not prayed or thought about God for a very long time, but are praying now. I asked him if he remembered that I have told him many times in his life that God had some huge, special purpose for Adam here on Earth, and that one day He would reveal the purpose. He nodded yes. I said, “Well, son, this is it. You are an inspiration to thousands of people.” He was in awe, and had tears in his eyes. And THEN...he said he was hungry. I raced down to the cafeteria to get a cheese pizza. As soon as I rounded the corner to the cash register, I was crestfallen. There were about 10 people in line. I had only minutes before Adam would fall asleep and forget about eating. I finally asked the next lady in line if I could please go in front of her. I said that my son has been in this hospital for over a month and finally ASKED for something to eat. She grudgingly let me in front of her. The man at the back of the line told me, “Ma’am, go ahead, I’ll pay for dinner for your son.” Angels are among us, folks, angels are among us. I thanked him and raced back to Adam. He ate two pieces of pizza smaller than the size of my pinky nail, and had less than a teaspoon of Dr. Pepper. Then he got his pain medicine, and went to sleep. I told someone earlier today that I had decided today was going to be a good day, and it was.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 00:03:08 +0000

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