10/09/2014 at 1956 PM - EDITED We kill you Rockwell, this is - TopicsExpress


10/09/2014 at 1956 PM - EDITED We kill you Rockwell, this is the last time I am going to tell you right here and now. If you dont shut your damn trap, I am going to come down there and plant your face through the wall. You will be picking your teeth out of that thing with pliers for weeks. Shut your mouth, you stupid ET punk. ----------------- It goes like this Not in mine, it shows in my script where I tell you to kiss my ass, before I kick yours. Is that in your script as well? No, then we are on different scripts as I have been stating. Look guys, white trash knows no other way. So I would expect you to be on the same script. That comes as no shock to this California born and bred white boy. We are NOT easily fooled, especially by low life country pukes. -------------- She is going to leave you with a smile According to you mother humpers SHE IS ALREADY DEAD. You have already stated at least 100 times since I have been here, They killed her. That is NOT Eileen Regina Edwards. Anyone who knows what she looks like, and knows about her; ALREADY KNOWS that. Why do you think she is not singing live anywhere, that her people are not running the sound boards and auto tune. How many TV shows and programs has she been on, where most guests actually sing; that she did perform? NONE. NOT ONE. She had her own weekly series, Why Not. Did she perform on any of those? NOT ONE. Ask any of your long term performers who actually know her, if that is Eileen. Ask Toby, Faith, Reba, Tim, Kix, George and a dozen others if that is the ORIGINAL Shania Twain. And they to a person will tell you, No that is NOT her. From my best estimates, there have been no less than 4-5 women passing themselves off as the real Eileen Regina Edwards from what I can ascertain. Now there are only two playing the game of Shania. Neither of which is the real Regina. Which might explain why the Judge in Canada released the physician who was given a 4 year sentence, reduced to 3 months and released. He probably found out that the pen pal relationship this physican was having with Shania turned out not to be the real one. So when he was arrested for stalking her, and then convicted on those charges proved more than interesting. It was ALL SWEPT UNDER THE RUGS. His release, any settlement and certainly most disclosure. A cloak of secrecy surrounds that case. In a movie I saw back in the late 1990s, there was a woman who sang a song with a very familiar voice. The stars in the movie were Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. I stayed through the credits to find out the singers name. Having heard the voice before, yet never seeing her live I had to find out who this person could be. I even asked my then wife, who told me, That is Shania Twain. I had to see what this woman looked like. Lo and behold, the singer was none other than Eileen Regina Edwards singing, I love you just the way you are. That woman, and this woman posing as Shania are NOT the same woman. Rent the movie, fast forward to the credits, where the young woman who should be about 25; wearing a tutu covering a broad backside is singing in the garden. That is the real Shania, this one is not. She is not going to leave me with a smile. If anything, I am going to ask her the same as you, What the $%^&* do you a-holes want with me anyway? We are not friends, associates or even acquaintances, why are you spending so much time on one individual who does not give a rats ass about any of you? That is the extent of any smile that she will receive from me. Because I will be smiling inside when I ask her. And then I will inquire where I might find Reginas burial place, so I can give her the final message that was supposed to have been given while she was alive. Regina, I tried to find you, I really did. I am sorry I could not make it in time. I never expected that you would die before I could find you. I wanted to let you know that I successfully removed the lien against your life. You are FREE, here and eternal. You are not a saint anymore, you are now an Angel. Please forgive me for not finding you sooner so I could tell you in person while you were still alive. It is ALWAYS the saints, stains, satins and the evil who cause the most problems for people like me and Regina. In both cases, it was the saints who have set us up to fail. It was never the Angels who set the traps and pitfalls for us to fall into; but the saints. For me, it was easy converting over to the Angels side, because of my lineage. For Regina, that was not the case, but because of the severity and gravity of the crimes committed against her; I was allowed to see what i could do in seeing her out of the predicament. To her it was just a game and fun, she was free; and there were no repercussions. Those were all instructions given by SAINTS, stains, satins, and scum. No one told her that by doing so, she would have to bed down with serpents, lose her soul, and being eternally tormented. It is called FULL DISCLOSURE assholes. And by your failure to do so, shot yourselves in the foot; and allowed others to skate when maybe they should not have. According to you, they killed her before I could explain to her in detail; while she was still alive. You people are little more than demon possessed con artists. Your deceptions and lies know no boundaries. Without question Rockwell, you people are the worst of the worst I have seen. The worst of curses in the jungles of Africa, have no hold on your group; because you have taken evil to an all time record. -------------------------- It goes like this. It usually does with demonically possessed white trash posing as human beings. Will you people grow up already? I may have been born at night, but I can assure you it was not last night. Try your bullcrap games on someone else, who is not wise and learned as this boy to man; you damn devils. ---------------- They shot us. From what I can ascertain, they waited way too long. You should have been arrested first, maybe that would have saved your life; without you trashing everyone and everything in your wake. There is no question in this mans mind, that groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda exist today, because of the pure evil that people like you bring to this earth. They point to the U.S. as the Great Satan, and it is hard to find argument against that; seeing that the powers in this country allow this bullscrap to even exist within their borders. So instead of targeting scum like you, they kill good people who had no skin in the game; except they happened to belong to the country(s) whicj allow this evil to occur wthout repercussion. They make a very valid point. And I can see their argument is based on more than just being killing machines. ---------------- We killed it. NO YOU DID NOT. And if you are wondering why it is around at all, you need not look any further than the havoc Mother Nature is wreaking on us right now. We you kill even one of her children, she will make certain someone pays for it. It is the great equalizer in many respects, keeping things in check when man refuses to acknowledge anything more than their puny existence in the grand scheme. Thinking they are all out, only to find out were little more than a ant riding around on a baboons ass. -------------- What you people are going to come to realize in time, is that history places people worldwide to inspire others for betterment. Every continent, in every day and age, people have walked throughout their communities contributing in meaningful ways that are usually reserved for the learned of that society. They are called Wise Men and Women. These are people who have been given responsibility to dispense sound advice on virtually any issue surrounding that community or country. They are shown respect because of their status as Wise Men and Women, and thus are shown courtesy others might not receive. In a country that is known to be the best and brightest of all, we show respect to no one. Even Wise Men like me. You treat me worst than the barnyard animal, not realizing the advice I dispense is meant for all in ways that all can become better. In theory, when all become better, than the nation should show that benefit as well. When others see that you treat your Wise Men like dogs, the only conclusion they can glean is that you are not wanting betterment, only excess. It is obvious to all that excess is the only game in town when it comes to many of you. It has been said that a Prophet is not even welcome in their own country. That may or may not be true, because the Prophets of old were received by those who understood the lessons before them. The evil will never understand. If that is true for the Prophets, one can assume that somewhere down the line Wise Men will receive the respect over the ordinary man. Because NOT every civilization is blessed with Wise Men and Women. And when one is in your presence, and you kick them to the curb and in the nuts time and again, the message to the rest is that wisdom is not a goal; because there are other things more important. This Wise Man happens to be an Angel with a great sense of humor and incredible patience. And that is a rarity. You people did EVERYTHING wrong. And you expect to be rewarded for your bad behavior? Not where I come from.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 14:27:08 +0000

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