10-10-14 All the troubles of the world derive from not - TopicsExpress


10-10-14 All the troubles of the world derive from not seeing the Grandeur of God clearly. DEAREST DEBORAH IGOA-KUHN! Pot Shooting Here, hoping something will percolate? I have little access to your world. As a one-pointed Activist from early youth on --- having Seen Something! --- I forsook all else, and having given it a good go for naught thus far, now nearing 67, I find myself seemingly stalled in a cruel cul de sac, with health quickly fading. Its the Namesake of your Institute we have in common. His Undiscovered Self explained exactly What Must Be Done if youre going to change the entire Collective Consciousness for the sake of the future of Humankind, a challenge the Progressive Left cannot even countenance. But the Means... MY present aim is an audience with President Carter, also an Activist, and a genuinely open and honest Christian. I believe I can both thrill and fulfill him with this Means. And in my minds eye, the planets Perfect Litmus Test toward the Promise of What Will Issue. Carl spells things out! But who has fully realized? If God, who IS the Soul of This Person now reaching out to the Same Soul of This Person with extended finger, trying to get in tact --- so says Jung --- AtOnement! --- intends to fully incarnate in the Collective Body of Humanity, which is what Individuation means, WHAT would be the FULLEST implication of the Development of This Self? And What of the Wherewithal of its Pioneers? And What the Means for Interiorization? The Fruit therefrom borne? There is a saying concerning the sub-stancing of the Other World Reality of Tetra-grammaton: Let him enter in turn or at once the four gates; let him stand on the floor of the Palace. Will he not sink? I submit that at age 26 I discovered a Key of Ultimate Enlightenment. A Missing Perspective precisely the same as Krishna offered Arjuna, enabling him to SEE the Divine Discipline of the ONE Many-Named Transcendent Being: Hey Arj --- have you ever looked at it this way? WHOA!!! The Gates made of Light swing open, YOU SEE IN! The Soul, its said, is This World Seen Differently. THERE the Palace, the New Jerusalem, the Kingdom. And this Palace is nothing but the Body of a Woman, proud and delicate and beyond imagination fair, and the Hair of Her Head that flows down to Her Feet is the Very Light of God Himself. AS FAR AS I KNOW, I am the Only One whos thorough under-standing is now firmly fixed on this Palaces floor, and yet it is the Spiritual World that all true seekers seek? Theres certainly more than enough room for everyone here! No longer Pioneer, I am now Usher? I continue inviting, but how do you convince the so-called civilized world youve actually found The Way to Shangri-la, so busy with its info-glut? I submit I can REVEAL ALL the Greater Mysteries of Judeo-Christianity considered unassailable, without diminishment; the Hidden Fount of ALL World Faiths and Creeds; the Perfect Hieros Gamos of cutting-edge Science and Religion; the Means to Planetary Apotheosis: Earth an Embryo coddled in clouds, in utero, being the Next Inevitable Phase of our Cosmic Evolution... I submit I can REVEAL how the finite arises out of the infinite; how suns, planets and moons actually come into being; how gravity works. Bang? Wave-Particle Paradox? Nailed them! Still a questioning and further answering continuing. being a work ever in progress. AND, any 12 year old child, therein apprised, can reveal ALL said above, to any peer to be seen as just as clear! Ultimate Enlightenment! --- There IS Such a Thing! AAAaaarrrrgggghhh!!! --- And no one will lend me an eye or ear to bear witness! WHY? I once asked the Jews if it would matter if the Messiah was a gibbering idiot with all his fingers missing save one --- as long as it pointed The Way? Im also told it is a failure of Spirit not to answer one who knocks so steadfastly on the door. 54 communication efforts this week alone, to no avail. Years now. Soon as an Unknown One says EUREKA! KEY OF IT ALL! --- FOUND THE ANSWER OF ANSWERS! --- hes immediately suspect, Dead in the Water. Having exhausted Activist sources, I finally thought The Producers of Power of Myth! as Ive done the same for Religions as Joe did for Mythos. But JUNG trumped, said, Since youre in the vicinity at the moment, take a Local Look! and here we are. I know Aizenstat of Pacifica Graduate Institute wouldnt give it the time deserved. How bout YOU? Would you believe I can show you HOW to quickly take the planet --- via a Higher Form of World-stage Theater than exists in the world today --- and alter EVERYTHING for the better with the Ecstatic Blessing of the Force Within Us? Triggering something in the sleepy ground-water within us all, and awakening it? How I long to hear: ITS ALIVE ITS ALIVE! The Script is brilliant, complete, perfect, and now only awaiting the fleshing of Major Players, my hope in Carter et al. I HAVE, as I pray you will experience, actually found the Undiscovered Self, and that the Creature Jung was looking for --- the Psychic Fulcrum for Archimedes Leverage! And I say that leverage is long overdue, there being a certain Urgency concerning our present future. BUT, leverage or no, this Unprecedented Breakthrough should be Captured for Posterity, before it perishes with its Eccentric Holder unmet. It is the Most Invaluable Insight in the Entire History of Humankind. MY image of Platos Cave is thus: Vast cavern in utter darkness, HUGE MAMMOTH SOMETHING being felt up by different factions on all sides, Judaism on the head portion for example, Islam on the other end, all declaring their experience, none wrong, yet... These experiences differ, their honest declarations thus in conflict, alienating, the arguments therefrom escalating, threatening, and here we are. AND THERE IS NOW ACTUALLY A LIGHT-SWITCH to Reconcile --- nay, INDIVIDUATE --- Fully Illumine --- the Fallacy of these discrepancies? Not being a capitalist, I withheld this Insight as a Secret War Engine to Smite the Herd Mentality, given the dramatic shot. But one can only imagine the Untold Value of this Accessible to All Vision on the New Age market today. Deepak, for example, look at what hes got! but What beyond Feel-Good does he and his deliver? Nothing Transformational! I for one began without formal education, born to a hillbilly world, and didnt read my first book until age 20. Yet NOW it seems I can add the old Disney PLUS to almost any realm of ideation? certainly capable of giving Stanislav Grof or David Bohm or the Dalai Lama a damn good run for their money! --- no problemo! Transformational? You bet! Private jet waiting, age 30, for Private Audience AS with then Pontiff of Roman Catholic Empire, having passed first test, Jesuit Criterion. Said No to ride. Recognized AS by a Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church, age 33, meeting Mafia BIGTIME and in course viciously pistol-whipped and almost killed in that Bishops smiling presence... I COULD GO ON AND ON, further magnifying, all straining credulity, all verifiable. Most recently, winning Daniel P. Sheehan, Presidentially Appointed Head of the Paradigm Project inspired by Gorbachev as a response to the Cuban Missile Closeness. When I unveiled my Plan to Perform a World Revolution-slash-Renascence, he insisted I make a Docuement of What Im Bringing to the Table, and that he would personally get it to Carter, Bono, others named, that they may consider. Didnt have the Mind to realize I brought the long-sought Paradigm to His Table. Document then produced: 3 DVDs revealing The One Great Secret of God, the Universe, and EVERYTHING, and that in an adeptly composed single communication-initiation via the word of all World Scriptures, Avatars, Mystics, Saints, Philosophers, Church Fathers, the True Illuminati... A Most Wondrous Feat, if I may so crow. One cannot go into it and come out of it without their way of seeing being completely changed. Yet when completed, ready to go, Sheehan went into Complete Denial, reneging, and I lost him. But the Document Now Exists, completed in 2010. Id dearly love to redo it, further embellish it. Goddess its Beautiful! THIS NEW SEEING LEADS TO THUS (and therein its inestimable VALUE): A cosmological Vision, accessible to all, wherein all individual parts are seen as stemming out of, and thus figuring into, a greater reality of Being transcending separateness, wherein all our facets may be seen as One Face, and serving as qualities of that Ultimate Being. It is by our recognition and acquiescence into the Special Relativity of this Higher Holistic Vision --- our parts relation to the Whole and through that our relation with each other --- that a Universal Code of Conduct out of which an Ideal Society IN God is able to emerge. It is also out of this recognition of a Higher Relativity and its Mystery that a sense of Ideal Harmony resting on a Dark Dimension of Wonder is communicated, and it is this communication that becomes our Communion. The emergence of this Communion between separateness and Divinity, as Child of their Union, as a New Community of Life, is seen as the Birth of a New Body, a Second Birth, being an end to --- or death of --- its separateness, and when Collectively Fulfilled, is synonymous with the redemption of the prior world reality. If the individual is not truly regenerated in Spirit, then Society cannot be also, since Society is the sum total of individuals in need of this redemption. The rediscovery of this Ancient Mystery within the human Soul will be very much like the Primordial Epiphany that made an Entire World of Spirit rise before the eyes of past generations, and once fully recognized as as Archetypal Image of our own potential, to be lived, a tremendous metamorphosis of human nature, thus relation, must certainly follow. Sufferings we would no longer have to bear in a Truly Enlightened Society. What is at issue is nothing less than the Meaning of Religion itself. ALL THIS, and Much More, now being extended, hoping --- deserving --- to be met. As for the Theater proposed? The Rapture of Art is the Triumph of Love in its Most Universal Comprehension. Please, CAN YOU HELP ME in preserving this Beyond Price Vision? Guidance of Some Kind? Im about to hit the ground soon, and despair as Carter despairs. If you Truly Love, you will certainly NOT regret it, THIS I promise You! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME? Definitely Right Now Near and Here for You! My friends call me Pan. CHAMPION THE PLANET? CHALLENGE WORLD REALITY? SUCH POTENCY IS POSSIBLE GIVEN THE CRUCIAL KEY. RISE UP NOW WITH COSMIC ARMS AGAINST THIS TROUBLED SEA AND LEARN YOURSELF FAR GREATER THAN YOU DREAMT YOURSELF TO BE!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:15:33 +0000

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