10.12.14 IMPORTANT UPDATES & ADDITIONAL PLEA FOR HELP! Following a very busy weekend in the Denton household, I am wanting, more than ever, to be able to retire to my bed for the evening. As is always the case, however, I am just now finding time to get to my computer to get these updates written. Just once, I wish I could write these updates without having my heart in the pit of my stomach. This is going to be TWFH. Whether it turns out to be “the week from Hell” or “the week from Heaven” is yet to be determined. I received word today that the La Porte Animal Shelter is down to ONE KENNEL open as of today. Both dogs, and cats, will be euthanized tomorrow morning due to lack of space. Things are lining up for the three dogs we have all been working so hard to get out of there – Summer, Pete and Jax (The LP Trio) – but we’re not quite there yet. The following are the obstacles we are facing as of tonight: 1. With the one donation we received today from Shannon McKay in the amount of $75 we finally hit the $600 goal mark we were originally aiming for to get these three dogs fully vetted. Unfortunately, it does not appear that the need for donations is going to end there. The dogs MUST leave the shelter in the morning but their respective fosters can’t take them until they are fully vetted. We are PRAYING that Angel Animal Hospital can take these three dogs in tomorrow and board them until they can get on the surgical schedule. It will add another $25/night PER DOG to the funds needed -- $150 per day for however many days it takes to get them vetted and transported to their foster homes. I’m guessing it will be a minimum two nights’ stay IF Angel can even take them. I won’t know the answer to that until morning. If Angel CAN’T take these three dogs, we’ll be floating down a smelly creek without a paddle as there isn’t a boarding kennel around that will take unvaccinated dogs. 2. I have my own mini-shelter here I’m running which is no easy task. Thankfully, we do have someone coming out to help me during the week in the mornings but it still takes an Act of God to get me out the door as early as I need to be Monday morning. ASSUMING Angel CAN take Jax, Pete and Summer for boarding, I need to get to LP to get them all picked up and driven over there first thing so that loss of life does not occur (these three are tagged and, therefore, safe but we have to worry about the others, too!). 3. We have a medical emergency at LP which I have already been networking. Her name is “Ava” and I will be posting her story here shortly as well. We need to raise another $300 for her ASAP to get her out of the shelter in the morning and to a surgeon that can help her. She came in with two littermates which I’m also trying to get out of there and into foster care. Folks… I am so very sorry for having to repeatedly ask for help with funding to get these shelter dogs to safety. So many of you donate over and over (and over) again to help us with all these dogs whose owners could care less the fate of the dogs they have abandoned or surrendered. As it stands right now, we’re needing additional help with boarding expenses (again, IF Angel can take them for a couple of nights) as well as funding to help Ava get out of there tomorrow, too. I seldom, if ever, ask for funding for any dogs that Ron and I pull into our own program but we can’t fund all these shelter dogs on our own, too. We still need your help – and your prayers – to make tomorrow become a day of miracles rather than one of heartache. The great news is that we have three beautiful families lined up to foster the three LP dogs AND we have raised all the funds needed to get them fully vetted! You guys ROCKED social media and Paypal to make that happen! We also have a foster/forever home waiting for Ava. All we need now is a few more forfeited trips to Starbucks, a few more sandwiches for lunch, and another scrape of our vehicles to look for loose change and we’ll be able to shove all of Satan’s challenges under the rug and provide awesome new beginnings to several dogs who never deserved to be in this situation to begin with. I will post a separate plea for donations again when I have talked with Angel in the morning to see where we’re at with getting the dogs boarded and on the schedule. Ava’s plea for help will be posted here tonight. Sorry for the rambling session yet again. Thank you all for continuing to follow us here and for your endless support for the helpless, precious Angels at the La Porte Animal Shelter tonight.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:07:31 +0000

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