10-21-13 The 21 day promise has been sky rocketing here in the - TopicsExpress


10-21-13 The 21 day promise has been sky rocketing here in the ward we have been passing it out to as many members as we can and evetyone has just been jumping at the idea of doing it. We have already recieved two rather positive referrals from members. one her name is Lisa Rossiter and she has already been given a book of mormon by her friend in the ward and has been reading it. And we have a lesson planned with her this tuesday. The other is Bill a man who is living in a room for rent in a members home, who apparently is looking for religion in his life. So already we are getting positive contacts from members and we are hoping that it will continue. And also in total things are starting to look a little up here. We also had a lesson with Catie Greenwood this past Saturday, and it went very well. we had the military relations missionaries come with us this time and had a chance to get to know her and also let her know of all the programs the church has available for the military. This lesson was i think particualry important because we were letting Catie know the importance of knowing if God and Christ are even there. She told us that she believes in a form of deity but is unsure if whether or not that it is God and Christ. So we stressed with her about praying to know. And so we are really hoping that She will and that She will develop more of an interest not just to learn but to grow more spiritually. As for me personally I have been feeling a lot like a Counselor and a leader latley. Not just because Iam a trainer but it seems that many in the district are coming to me for advice, wanting to know what I know. Well considering Iam now one of the oldest missionaries in the whole mission and in the district it doesnt surprise me. But also because of the responsibility of the Family history Booth I feel like it is my Responsibility to ensure that it happens and that it continues to happen. Its a good tool for us to use as missionaries And as such I feel that it should continue, and also not having it get abused or misused. So I feel like a lot of responsibilty is being put on my shoulders latley. But for some reason I dont really mind it in fact it seems kind nice, for a while. But Iam surprised to see who many missionaries have been coming to me latley wanting to ask me questions and things. Look to your elders for they have wisdom I guess. Also It is Officially on we are starting up Our Firesides again the first one will be on Nov 3rd. though i wont be able to go it is really exciting that we will be able to do this fun and uplifting experiance all over again.Though it will not be the same, so many of the people who were key parts in our fireside last year are now gone so it will be interesting to see how we will go about this time. But I very excited to once again go and sing to numerous wards and stakes sharing our musical talents. And Your right iam so very glad I know how to cook, use the Laundry machines, and also just do the basic things around the house, shows That you Mom, were a successful mother. Also If you could in the back of my planner from parkland there are some Email Addresses that i would like to get from Jamie and Kurtis Lowery, i thought i had them written down else where but i guess not, so if you could get those to me i would appreciate it. Any way I love you all and Iam glad that though you are busy you are happy, I love you all Elder Jones >^_^
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 00:37:54 +0000

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