10/22/2013 1:07 PM Below, I am going to make an observation - TopicsExpress


10/22/2013 1:07 PM Below, I am going to make an observation which I have thought about a great while, and at great length. Yet it is only a small microcosm of the overall picture. Because there is so much that goes into a subject called The Family Unit. Easily a book could be written on this subject alone. In the following designation, what is the one thing that prominently displays itself as you read it? • God, Family, and well one might say, that is the order of importance. And you would be right. But what I see is the importance that God holds of the Family within the Country. Gods desire has always been to keep the family intact and together, because of the family and the community is the Mother within. Because she has historically been the glue which binds all together within that unit. She is the best homemaker. She nurtures far better than a man. She is the best teacher of all things relative, just to name a couple. The man is certainly important in most things, but the type of mother holds the key to the family. The Muslims prize women more than men. They can actually receive a dowry for a fine and honorable daughter, that a son cannot. The woman can actually bind families together in key partnerships as well. In the following designation, which is the one that that prominently displays itself as you read it? • Devils, C(o)untry, and Family The devils desire extracting the woman from the family. Separating them because once they become reliant on the world they can essentially partition then as they see fit. Much like the pimp does with his stable. They do the work, and he reaps 99.9% of the benefit. He will provide them housing, food, clothes, free medical and a little cash on the side to do as they see fit. In other words, women are held to a higher degree of importance in that above example because even though they are primary to the equation, they are still enslaved and treated as 2nd class citizens. Maybe not to you as parents, but to their employer or willful handler of their affairs. God wants to keep the family intact. The devil wants to split the family apart. But he is less interested in your sons, but idolizes your women. As a boy I was taught, You protect the women at all costs, because they are the future of your nation. Because as they go, so does your nation. There are literally a 100 different ways of viewing that statement. Of the two political parties, the Democrats have done the best job of luring the women, but they have done the worst job of protecting the woman and keeping the family unit intact in a HEALTHY way. Providing for them beneficially and keeping your promises; by placing them as SPECIAL in the family unit. The Republicans are still trying to protect their women, but the women don’t want to be protected; until they do. The Republicans need to do a better job of addressing womans needs, because if you don’t the women will look at you as the ones who are enslaving them. Not some of the pimps from the other party, who do not have constraints or boundaries on protecting; but on using a person to their gain. Under the best situation a woman could stay at home, be provided well and assured an income over and beyond the allowance for the upkeep of the family. That is the optimal situation, but the most difficult to predict with accuracy unless the family is financially healthy and well off. Any man can be the father of a womans child, but not any man can be the best father for her children. And that is the dichotomy we are faced with in todays ever changing society where two parent working families are required in order to make it happen. Hate me, ignore me, curse me, reject me or kill me. My opinion on that subject will never change.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 17:53:29 +0000

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