10/24/14 The Victorious Life Word For Today Be Ye - TopicsExpress


10/24/14 The Victorious Life Word For Today Be Ye Separate! Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the LORD, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 2 Corinthians 6:17 Question? From who or from whom, do you need to come away, and or separate yourself from? And what unclean thing or things, and or situations that you are involved in and involved with, or touching, and doing, that you know you shouldnt be? We all know of others, who we are involved with or associated with, that we, for the sake of our relationship with the LORD, need to separate from or at least, tweak the relationship with that person or persons. You and I both know, if we are truly honest with ourselves and God, that we need to do a self evaluation, and assess what unclean thing or things, that we are involved in and involved with, and or doing or touching, those things, that we shouldnt be involve with or to be doing or to be touching. To be clear, as Christians, we are to separate ourselves from those who are of a bad influence, or who has the potential to lead us astray, and or who may cause us to compromise what we believe and stand for in, and with our walk with the LORD. If they are distracting us and or, are pulling us away from our focus and relationship with the LORD, we have to cut them loose! And we must also, touch not, taste not, and handle not (Colossians 2:21), anything that has the appearance of evil, or is, or looks sinful, which also goes without saying, anything that is contrary to what Gods Word says about a particular sin, lifestyle, or activity. Now, after you get through assessing what adjustments you need to make; repent, then ask the LORD to forgive you, and then separate yourself from that unhealthy and unclean relationship, and get rid of the thing or things, that you know, you should not be touching, or doing. And the LORD says, He will receive you. When we heed to the warning and counsel and chastening of the LORD, we will then, feel so much better about ourselves, and be free from the guilt that those unclean relationships and things bring into our lives! Joshua warned the people of Isreal, not to touch the accursed thing, or they will become cursed. Joshua 6:18 And in Joshua chapter 7, the LORD tells Joshua, the reason he and the Isrealites, lost the battle against Ai, is because Israel had taken the accursed thing. And it was determined by close examination, that Achan took the accursed thing, and because he did, the people of Israel, then stoned Achan and his entire family to death, and then, if that wasnt bad enough, they burned their bodies, all because they took of the accursed or unclean thing. It would behoove all of us to heed Gods warning, Come Away or Out From Among Them, And Be Ye Separated and Touch Not The Unclean Thing, saith the LORD! In the words of the Apostle Paul, May the Grace of The LORD Jesus Christ Be With You All! Amen His Servant Sanford D. Dickerson, Jr.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 11:11:21 +0000

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