10/25/2013 12:12 PM Judeo-Christian principles are supposed to - TopicsExpress


10/25/2013 12:12 PM Judeo-Christian principles are supposed to mean something, more than just that Jesus was their Son and we adopted and integrated His belief system into a meaningful and real way. Christianity is a way of life. Jesus was The Way, much like His Father Jehovah. If you look at Jesus teachings, there is NOT a stark contrast between His and those of Samuel, Jeremiah, Daniel, David, Solomon and a few others. Jesus never intended to be isolated from His ancestors, and yet we have done just that. You dont think if He sat in the same room as any of those, He would not listen intently? Who better to teach a Book, that the one who actually authored it, don’t you think. Jesus was NOT competing against the others. Yet we are still trying to make this some contest, which should not be anyones goal. Remember what He used to tell the Disciples, those who seek to be the greatest will become the least. He was into TEAMWORK. Jesus heroes were some of the very ones I listed above. Because He learned as a boy, the very things they taught. However, He tried to make it tangible for the rest of us. Today Israel and perhaps the Jewish people, do not accept our Christianity and I certainly cannot blame them. And I firmly believe that if Jesus walked this earth today, it would be a Jewish synagogue He would attend, and preach, on Sabbath. Because we have done a poor job of trying to understand, their place in this world is unique. Instead of trying to learn, we are forcing our teachings on them, and many others. Which would also include our way. Is any of this starting to sink in yet? That was never Jesus intentions, I believe. He created His style of teaching to give us better understanding, and allow the Jews a little more freedom to express in the ways His Father desired. In Jesus day, He noticed they had become locked into a system of worship that perhaps was not representative of He and His Fathers beliefs. As an Angel I really dont care one way or another. I am allegiant to only three things. Doing my job for the Kingdom and my bosses. And helping to get people where they need to be, either by design or desire. That is it. But I would be failing to do my job, if I did not highlight a few things I have discovered. Because it is more than palpable. If it was all about character (as in Jesus true likeness), many of you guys would be outta there. Because you would stick out like a sore thumb; and feel very uncomfortable being around those who are there for a shared purpose. Jesus was every man, but He was Jewish, first and foremost. Entertainment would not be the key feature in His day of rest. Because quality in message can be taken from the Beatitudes and Similitudes, making a sermon out of each one. Each one of Jesus statements that He made in His ministry was profound. And when you can extrapolate that with similar messages from the OT, then is when you can tie all things together. And only then. However, people will blast through each verse as though it was a topical statement, instead of making it the impactful message which resonated with everyone ………… back during His ministry. HOWEVER, many who do not go to church now or never, would feel welcome. Because there is that one shared commonality, and Jesus life example is the highlight. Because only he can explain it the way it was meant to be, because His beliefs ARE UNIVERSAL. You would see in some places entire congregations and communities changed for the better by the one dynamic alone. Because MANY are steeped in character, who like this man named Jesus; but have a hard time with many Christians. Jesus was inclusive of everyone He encountered, not exclusive to alienate and isolate. Imagine that. And those the Jews might have a hard time with, would be some of you. You can use filters any way you want. However, when you have a church based on CHARACTER, that is when you start seeing the quality I have been talking about. Because quality is a universal language. And it encompasses every walk of life. You would not have rabble rousing wild banchees going to the Church of Christ and singing this is my town; staying up all night playing poker, drinking whiskey, banging our daughters and sisters; and then walk into church the next day and say Im here Jesus what do you want to change in me today? Because even they would be too embarrassed. Why? Quality does not brag on themselves, set themselves so blatantly apart that they become eyesores. What I compare to eco systems, except too many have become EGO SYSTEMS. If all were included into a Religion based on Jesus Character, and not mans might or desire: • Entire communities would change. • Entire economic models, and the way we interact and conduct business; would change based on the quality of character and a shared purpose. • There would be greater prosperity. • Less crime, poverty and unemployment. • The political scene would change. When Jews (who are very Conservative) vote against the Republican Party (who is supposed to be Conservative) then something is dramatically wrong; with our Conservative thought. Resembling much like the Jewish way of life. There has to be more consistent, congruent and collaborative relationship. Because true Conservatism does NOT mean slavery; it actually creates freedom because the borders dont create fence lines. However, they should still define boundaries. And within those boundaries you can see where consistent innovation with PURPOSE would abound. Thus creating prosperity for a great many, establishing relationships across the board, and defining a shared purpose for the betterment. But the one distinctive feature would be apparent. Quality and Character would be the only parameters, which everyone would be bound. Education, social, educationally, economically and integrative processes would be more efficient and the distance between Washington, Wall Street and Main Street would narrow considerably. By leaps and bounds. • Then and only then, would you see Judeo-Christians in play and they would actually mean something. And stand for something, much more meaningfully. • When you cannot successfully tie the two cultures together, you will have separate of most things. And that is apparent today. • Then and only then would you get their (the Jews) buy in and interaction with Christianity, The Religion all about the Quality of Character. WWJD or say? I shudder to even think, however I can imagine. The Jews know what being enslaved for 400 years was like. Yet we have not learned in prosperity, what they already know. Do you want to know why that is? Because it is difficult listening when it is a one sided conversation and we are the only one making commands and demands. Seriously, I do not know how we have messed this up so bad. If the Jews stand silent on us, it is probably only because we have not stopped talking, groping and probing our lifestyle into everyone elses life. I am an Angel, do what you want. One of these days, you will get it right. I already did. And that is the problem many of you are having. Dont fault me for paying attention, however I should not be expected to take the test for all of you; and sharing my grade with you. And dont expect me to attend your churches unless Jesus character is readily apparent. That might mean less of you, and more of those who want to be around quality of character, and not scared off by extraneous nonsense. Uh uh, it aint happening. So the next time someone asks me Sir do you think just once that can get it right, I will respond accordingly. No son, dont hold your breath or bank on it, because they have grown too comfortable in doing it wrong, for the wrong reasons, and have forgot how to do it right. When the environment is loaded with demonic activity, it is virtually impossible to differentiate between right and wrong for those who have been exposed the longest. When I have a young woman state I am going to wake up loving YOU and not 60 seconds later state I will shoot you very much; indicates extreme pathology in a diabolic order and manifest. But to answer you son, I dont believe that will ever be in the cards, I am sorry to state.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 00:48:37 +0000

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